IBIS-AMI Evaluation Toolkit - Signal Integrity Software (SiSoft) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------- Introduction Toolkit contents Quick Start Running a simulation Simulation results Plotting the impulse response output plotting waveform data output Using your own data Channel impulse response PRBS file format Modifying TX equalization settings Documentation Model source files Compiler options and versions Technical Support Additional information Introduction ------------ IBIS Algorithmic Modeling Interface (AMI) models provide a standard mechanism for modeling transmit / receive equalization and clock recovery algorithms for SerDes devices. The IBIS-AMI standard allows a serial channel to be "characterized" using circuit simulation techniques; that channel characterization is then combined with signal processing techniques and IBIS-AMI models to predict the link's behavior over millions of bits of data. IBIS-AMI models represent equalization and clock recovery algorithms using executable code - the use of a "black box" technique permits fast modeling of device behavior and also helps protect semiconductor vendor IP. This toolkit contains a sample IBIS-AMI 4-tap transmitter model in both binary and executable form along with the IBIS_AMI_test utility. IBIS_AMI_Test allows IBIS-AMI models to be run as standalone executables from the O/S command line. This toolkit also includes sample data and batch jobs - everything you need to demonstrate the speed and flexibility these models have to offer. PLEASE NOTE that the primary purpose of IBIS_AMI_test is to provide a reference execution environment for testing IBIS-AMI model compatibility with the published standard. IBIS_AMI_test uses the comma separated value (.csv) format for all model input and output data, but does not really reformat model I/O data other than that. The IBIS-AMI standard specifies how data is passed back and forth between an IBIS-AMI model and a host EDA-platform; this interface has been designed to eliminate passing of redundant data and optimize performance. This means that the data consumed and produced by IBIS-AMI models isn't necessarily intuitive to the new user. It also means that data output from IBIS-AMI models will need to be manipulated before it can be used to produce a suitable waveform display or eye diagram. You can either manipulate the data interactively (that is, using a tool like Excel) or create your own programs/scripts to reformat the data into a style suitable for the waveform display tools you commonly use. Toolkit contents ---------------- /: license.txt - the terms under which this toolkit is distributed readme.txt - this file version.txt - version number of the kit /windows: cleanup.bat - batch job that deletes simulation results run_no_eq.bat - runs a 100K bit simulation without TX equalization run_eq.bat - runs a 100K bit simulation with TX equalization IBIS_AMI_test.exe - Windows version ofutility program that allows IBIS-AMI models to be run from the command line IBIS_AMI_Tx.dll - Sample IBIS-AMI Tx model executable prbs22_100K.csv - Sample 100K bit stimulus input tx_impulse_no_eq.csv - Sample channel impulse response with model parameters set for no TX equalization tx_impulse_eq.csv - Sample channel impulse response with model parameters set for TX equalization sample_impulse.xls - sample plotted impulse response data, in Excel format sample_waveform.xls - sample plotted waveform data, in Excel format /linux: cleanup - Linux script that deletes simulation results run_no_eq - Linux script that runs a 100K bit simulation without TX equalization run_eq - Linux script that runs a 100K bit simulation with TX equalization IBIS_AMI_test - Linux version of utility program that allows IBIS-AMI models to be run from the command line libIBIS_AMI_Tx.so - Linux shared object library containing the IBIS_AMI_Tx model prbs22_100K.csv - Sample 100K bit stimulus input tx_impulse_no_eq.csv - Sample channel impulse response with model parameters set for no TX equalization tx_impulse_eq.csv - Sample channel impulse response with model parameters set for TX equalization /doc: IBIS_AMI_tx.doc - documentation for the TX model IBIS_AMI_test.doc - documentation for the IBIS_AMI_test utility IBIS_AMI_Validation.pdf - presentation on this toolkit to the IBIS-ATM task group /src: IBIS_AMI_Tx.ibs - IBIS model section showing [Algorithmic Model] example IBIS_AMI_Tx.c - Source code for the IBIS-AMI Tx model IBIS_AMI_Tx.h - Header file for the IBIS-AMI Tx model IBIS_AMI_tree.c - Parameter tree parser source code for IBIS-AMI models IBIS_AMI_tree.h - Header file for the parser IBIS_AMI.h - Header file for both the model and the parser make_IBIS_AMI_Tx.txt - Linux model make file IBIS_AMI_Tx.zip - Zip file containing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 project which builds IBIS_AMI_Tx.dll Quick Start - Running Simulation -------------------------------- The batch job "run_no_eq.bat" will run both an impulse response ("init") and a 100K bit waveform ("getwave") analysis with no equalization applied by the transmitter. This batch job uses the channel impulse response and model settings found in the "tx_impulse_no_eq.csv" file. Because no TX equalization is applied, the output impulse response is the same as the input impulse response - except the output response has been shifted by 1 bit time. The batch job "run_eq.bat" will run both an impulse response ("init") and a 100K bit waveform ("getwave") analysis with equalization applied by the transmitter. The output impulse response is therefore different from the impulse response. The batch job "cleanup.bat" removes any files generated during the analysis process, leaving only the simulation source files. Each of the simulation batch jobs calls "cleanup.bat" before analysis commences. Quick Start - Simulation Results Files -------------------------------------- No matter which analysis job is run, the following files are created: tx_impulse.csv - original channel impulse response impulse_rx_pad.csv - impulse response at receiver pad waveform_tx_pad.csv - waveform at receiver pad Results files are created in a comma separated value (.csv) format compatible with a variety of tools. Note that Microsoft Excel 2003 has a 64K row limit for .csv data; waveform data created with this toolkit will be truncated if loaded into Excel 2003 directly. Quick Start - Plotting the impulse response output -------------------------------------------------- The output file impulse_rx_pad.csv contains header information, followed by two columns of output data. The first column is time in seconds, while the second column is the output impulse response in volts/second. Note that an impulse response is the first derivative of a circuit's step response, and because outputs switch in well under a nanosecond, the magnitude of the impulse response will be quite high - values of 1E9 are not uncommon. The two columns of the impulse response can be plotted directly in Microsoft Excel. We recommend plotting results as a scatter chart, using smoothed lines without markers. Quick Start - Plotting the waveform data output ----------------------------------------------- The output file waveform_tx_pad.csv contains data in the model output format defined by the IBIS AMI specification. This is an optimized data format that minimizes the amount of data passed back and forth between models and the simulator. Specifically, the time values associated with output voltages are omitted, because the sampling interval is specified as part of the configuration data sent to the AMI model. The waveform_tx_pad.csv file contains header information, followed by two columns of data - the first column is the model's output voltage at the pre-defined sampling points. The easiest way to plot this data in Excel is to add a new first column to the spreadsheet, containing the time points as defined by the sample_interval declared in the original impulse response .csv file. In the case of the example provided, the bit_time is 200ps (5 Gbps) and there are 8 samples per bit, yielding a sample_interval of 25ps. The file sample_waveform.xls shows an example of waveform output after the time column has been added in, using a scatter plot to chart the data. Note that only a portion of the output sequence has been plotted, as Excel's pan/zoom capabilities are limited. Note also that the output waveform file has more data points than Excel can read in - 800,000 samples in the provided example of 100,000 bits and 8 samples/bit, versus Excel's limit of 65,636 rows in a worksheet. Plotting eye diagrams in Excel is difficult at best. In actual practice, we expect users will post-process the model data output by IBIS_AMI_Test into a format suitable for use with a commercial waveform viewer. SiSoft offers its own commercial (i.e., not free) tools that are more suitable for processing large amounts of waveform data. For more information, please visit www.sisoft.com or contact SiSoft at ibis-ami@sisoft.com. The second column of data in waveform_tx_pad.csv contains clock "tick" output data. This feature is usually associated with SerDes Rx models, which detect the zero-crossing points in the input waveform to reconstruct a clock reference used to recover the incoming data. The clock "tick" column contains a list of times (in seconds) where the waveform crosses the 0V threshold. Note that this column simply contains a list of zero-crossing times, and the data in the second column is not time-correlated to the data in the first column. This is another optimization in how AMI models communicate with EDA tools - while the format is not necessarily intuitive, it minimizes the data that must be passed back between the simulator and model to enhance performance. EDA platforms normally accumulate, reformat and present this data in other ways, so the user does not see the "raw" output data as returned from the model. In this particular case, the clock "tick" data can be ignored - this feature is present in the sample Tx model for EDA platform compatibility test purposes. Using your own data - Channel impulse response ---------------------------------------------- The impulse response contained in the sample files "tx_impulse_no_eq.csv" and "tx_impulse_eq.csv" can be replaced with the impulse response of another channel you wish to analyze. Please note that this data is supplied in a pre-defined format with a fixed number of samples per bit time. The statements * sample_interval * bit_time tell the IBIS_AMI_test utility the design's bit time and the delay between samples. Your data MUST have an integral number of samples per bit, equal to /. Note that these values are specified in seconds. When supplying your own channel impulse response data, be sure to carefully follow the format provided for the impulse response, or the analysis will not work properly. Using your own data - PRBS file format -------------------------------------- The file prbs22_100K.csv a 100,000 bit sequence generated using a 22 bit LFSR. The data is supplied according to the IBIS AMI specification for Tx model waveform input, which calls for a fixed number of samples per bit. Note that the included example specifies 100,000 bits at 8 samples/bit, yielding 800,000 lines of data. Note also that the input values represent 1V stimulus centered around 0V (i.e. logic 0 = -0.5V, logic 1 = +0.5V). The statements before the "wave_in" statement are not needed and are ignored by IBIS_AMI_test - they are repeated here from the impulse response file for clarity. As with the raw waveform output data from IBIS AMI models, this data format is defined by the standard and is not intuitive - it seems wasteful to repeat the data input values for each bit time. The standard is written this way to provide a common interface for both TX and RX models. Please note that in actual EDA tool practice, the user will specify a pattern type and length, and the EDA tool will generate the actual data required by the IBIS AMI models. Using your own data - Modifying TX equalization settings -------------------------------------------------------- The input file used by IBIS_AMI_test contains both the model settings and the channel impulse response to be used for analysis. The model settings in the file "tx_impulse_no_eq.csv" are: * AMI_dll_parameters_in (IBIS_AMI_Tx(tap_filter(tap-1 0.0)(tap0 1.0)(tap1 0.0)(tap2 0.0))(tx_swing 1.0)) The statement above sets the following model parameters IBIS_AMI_Tx tap_filter tap-1 0 tap0 1 tap1 0 tap2 0 tx_swing 1.0 This statement sets the main cursor EQ tap to 1, while all other cursor taps are set to 0. The signal is passed through unscaled (i.e. multipled by 1). The model settings in the file "tx_impulse_eq.csv" are: * AMI_dll_parameters_in (IBIS_AMI_Tx(tap_filter(tap-1 -.15)(tap0 .7)(tap1 -.125)(tap2 -.025))(tx_swing 0.8)) The statement above sets the following model parameters IBIS_AMI_Tx tap_filter tap-1 -0.15 tap0 0.7 tap1 -0.125 tap2 -0.025 tx_swing 0.8 This statement sets the precursor tap to -0.15, the main tap to 0.7 and the first and second post-cursor taps to -0.125 and -0.025, respectively. The signal is scaled by 80%. You can edit the AMI_dll_parameters statement to reflect your own tap and scale settings. Documentation ------------- The doc/ directory contains more detailed documentation on the arguments and data formats used by the IBIS_AMI_Tx model and the IBIS_AMI_Test executable. Model source files ------------------ The src/ directory contains the source, header and makefile for the IBIS_AMI_Tx model. Compiler options and versions ----------------------------- The IBIS_AMI_test and model executables in this kit have been compiled under the following conditions: Windows: (additional info in src/IBIS_AMI_Tx.zip) Microsoft Visual Studio Version 8.0.50727.762 (SP 050727-7600) Linux: (additional info in src/make_IBIS_AMI_Tx.txt) Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr --with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada --disable-checking --enable-libgcj --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib --with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit i586-suse-linux Thread model: posix gcc version 3.3.1 (SuSE Linux) Technical Support ----------------- Since this is supplied as a free toolkit, no formal technical support is provided. We have established an email discussion group at: ibis-ami-toolkit@freelists.org so that users can share their experiences with this toolkit. We will participate in these discussions as possible, and hope to gain insight that will allow us to make improvements to this toolkit. To join this discussion group, send an email with "subscribe" in the subject line to ibis-ami-toolkit@freelists.org. You can also join the discussion group through the following URL: http://www.freelists.org/list/ibis-ami-toolkit Future releases of this toolkit will be announced on the ibis-ami-toolkit mailer. Additional information ---------------------- For more information on this kit, other IBIS AMI models and other IBIS-AMI data management tools, please contact: Signal Integrity Software, Inc. (SiSoft) 6 Clock Tower Place, Suite 250 Maynard, MA 01754 (978) 461-0449 www.sisoft.com email: ibis-ami@sisoft.com.