****************************************************************************** ********************* IBIS GOLDEN PARSER BUG REPORT FORM ********************* ****************************************************************************** INSTRUCTIONS To report a bug in the IBIS golden parser. Please fill out the top part of the following form and send the complete form to ibis-bug@eda.org. A list of reported bugs will be maintained on eda.org. ****************************************************************************** PARSER VERSION NUMBER: IBISCHK6 V6.1.0 PLATFORM (SPARC, HP700, PC, etc.): PC OS AND VERSION: Windows 7 REPORTED BY: Bob Ross, Teraspeed Labs DATE: November 27, 2015 DESCRIPTION OF BUG: Package Model represented by [Capacitance Model] off diagonal entries must be 0.0 or negative. Ibischk6 Version 6.1.0 does not issue an Error message. A limit for 0.0 according to BUG168 is permissible regarding a "0.0 entry. No Error is issued for the test case below INSERT IBIS FILE DEMONSTRATING THE BUG: ==== bug169.pkg ==== [IBIS Ver] 3.2 [File Name] bug169.pkg [File Rev] 0 [Date] 0 | | THIS TEST CASE IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPEMENt | [Package Model] bug169 | [Define Package Model] bug169 [Manufacturer] somebody [OEM] somebody [Description] for testing only [Number Of Pins] 3 | [Pin Numbers] 1 2 3 | [Model Data] | [Inductance Matrix] Full_matrix [Row] 1 6E-0 6E-011 6E-011 [Row] 2 6E-011 6E-011 [Row] 3 6E-011 | [Capacitance Matrix] Full_matrix | [Row] 1 | | ... need to report error for positive off-diagonal 1e-9 | 1.0000E-9 1E-9 0.0 [Row] 2 1E-9 0.0 [Row] 3 0.0 | [End Model Data] [End Package Model] [End] ****************************************************************************** ******************** BELOW FOR ADMINISTRATION AND TRACKING ******************* ****************************************************************************** BUG NUMBER: 169 SEVERITY: [FATAL, SEVERE, MODERATE, ANNOYING, ENHANCEMENT] MODERATE PRIORITY: [HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW] MEDIUM STATUS: [OPEN, CLOSED, WILL NOT FIX, NOT A BUG] CLOSED FIXED VERSION: 6.1.1 FIXED DATE: January 8, 2016 NOTES ON BUG FIX: Classified at the December 18, 2015 IBIS Teleconference Meeting. To be fixed in the next release of ibischk6. January 5, 2016 - Note, the zero-valued diagonal, minimal value off-diagonal case still generates an Error for very small off-diagonal values that might have been created by model developer numerical precision issues, but this is usually an unlikely case that can be easily fixed. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************