Syed Huq wrote:
> IBISfans:
> Got a question about double counting of clamp data(Output models).
> If this can be done then Model providers who are creating models
> from actual bench measurements, do not have to go thru the pains
> of doing V/I table subtraction. A DC sweep on an enabled output
> structure gives you the combination of the output stage + the clamp
> structures.
> It seems that we go thru too much data crunching and Simulators
> simply connect the two tables anyway.
> Possible I am missing something very important here. Pls comment.
So how would you handle tristate outputs? The drive is out
of the picture but the clamp is far from negligible.
-- D. C. Sessions dc.sessions@tempe.vlsi.comReceived on Wed Nov 20 18:38:48 1996
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