Dear Sir,
I am from Utsumi Engineering, Japan.
I had download s2ibis( but I couldn't see those subdirectory
which indicated in
README file.
Also, I couldn't get tryme.ibs after testing tryme.txt with command
s2ibis(s2ibis tryme tryme.ibs), it end with error massages.
Those error massages are:
s2ibis2: Error at line 1: parse error
Current Buffer:
s2ibis: Please begin s2ibis command file with [IBIS Ver] command.
s2ibis: Errors in IBIS file prevent continuation.
s2ibis: Opening file tryme.ibs for writing...done.
What error massage mean(Error at line 1)?
Could s2ibis run in Windows 95 or it should be run in UNIX environment?
I hope you can help me to solve the problem. I am looking forward to
hearing your answer.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Utsume Engineering
Received on Tue Jul 1 03:56:55 1997
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