Re: IBIS component generation, PECL differential inputs, analog I/O pins, Vmeas, Cref, Rref, Vref

From: Syed Huq <>
Date: Fri Jun 13 1997 - 15:53:24 PDT

Hi Roland,

I can share with you my experience regarding your first question.
I have developed IBIS models from HSPICE using the s2ibis2 and I
did exactly what you described. With this approach of translating
individual 'types' of pins, you can solve problems easily if
they occur. But, as you pointed out, you do have to put all
the individually run models back into 'ONE' entire IBIS model.
The parser test will help you debug if any manual errors were
introduced during the cut and paste.

I believe the Vmeas, Cref, Rref, Vref are for timing information
for the simulator only.

National Semiconductor Corp.

> From Thu Jun 12 12:10:52 1997
> From: Roland Chang <>
> To: "''" <>,
> "''"
> <>
> Subject: IBIS component generation, PECL differential inputs, analog I/O pins, Vmeas, Cref, Rref, Vref
> Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 10:40:54 -0700
> X-Mailer: Microsoft Exchange Server Internet Mail Connector Version 4.0.994.63
> Content-Type> : > text/plain> ; > charset="us-ascii">
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hello, I am using s2ibis2 and HSPICE netlists to generate IBIS files. I
> am using s2ibis2 to first generate IBIS models for the inidividual
> "types" of pins, and then cutting and pasting the [Model] portion of the
> individual IBIS pin models into a larger "main" IBIS file which
> describes the entire component. This saves having to set up s2ibis2 for
> generating the entire component all at once. Once created, I can use
> and reuse IBIS pin models for pins on the component that are identical
> in nature. Is there any problem with the IBIS model generation scheme
> I've outlined above? I would especially like to hear from other people
> who have worked with s2ibis2 and SPICE to create their IBIS models.
> Secondly, I am now faced with how to setup both the s2ibis2 *.s2i file
> and the IBIS file for some PECL (Pseudo-ECL) differential inputs. Has
> anyone had to generate IBIS models for pins that are both differential
> and Pseudo-ECL(or ECL) before? How does s2ibis2 handle the [Diff pin]
> Keyword, and associated pin list section? In the s2ibis2 manual, it says
> that no processing is actually performed on the [Diff pin] list. Does
> this mean that I could create a single ECL input pin first using
> s2ibis2, include the [Model] section of the single ECL input IBIS file
> into a 'main' IBIS file for a component, connect the model name to
> appropriate pins on the component, and then add the [Diff pin] pin list
> later in the actual 'main' IBIS file for the component?
> Thirdly, how are analog I/O pins treated in IBIS and s2ibis2? How would
> I setup an analog I/O pin in s2ibis2 and IBIS?
> And finally, are the Vmeas, Cref, Rref, Vref parameters used for
> anything in s2ibis2, or in IBIS files? (are they actually processed? or
> are they just for reference)
> Thanx for your time,
> Roland
> ******************************************
> Roland Chang ext. 2647
> PMC-Sierra
> Applications Department
> 105-8555 Baxter Place
> Burnaby, BC
> V5A 4V7
> Tel: (604) 415-6000
> email:
> ******************************************
Received on Fri Jun 13 15:50:37 1997

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