Question - BIRD 36.2 - Electrical Board Description

From: Stephen Peters <>
Date: Fri Mar 21 1997 - 08:23:20 PST

Hello Dileep:

    Yes, the present description -- by design-- does not
allow for describing coupling bettween traces. If a user
does wish to give enough information about a board in
order to do coupling the best medium in a physical description
(PCB data base). This takes advantage of the vendors already
existing path into there products, and there are now hooks
into EDIF 4.0 that will call out IBIS files.


The present version of BIRD 36.2 allows the description
of only un-coupled lines. I would like to know if the
users and designers think that this description is adequate
for them. It will not be possible to use the IBIS models
to analyze crosstalk due to interconnects.
Dileep Divekar
Received on Fri Mar 21 08:25:20 1997

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