Re: low budget IBIS tools

From: weberchuang <>
Date: Thu Oct 23 1997 - 18:59:44 PDT

Lin, Ted wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> AMP Inc. offers a signal integrity tool called the AMPredictor Signal
> Integrity Analyzer. ($8,500 for a single license, $5,000 a piece if
> you purchase 3 licenses.) It is a Spice-based pre-layout tool that
> includes a complete Spice engine, a 2-D field solver that generates
> coupled-lossy transmission line models, connector noise analyzer, and
> an IBIS-to-AMPSPICE converter. The software can convert an IBIS data
> file to a SPICE-format analog behavior model. It then can be used
> with the AMPSPICE engine to perform Spice-based critical net analysis.
> There is more information on the website.
> ----------
> From: ram []
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 1997 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: low budget IBIS tools
> are there such a thing? I'm doing a 40 Mhz microprocessor design
> which
> looks like it has some potential problems with the bus layout. I'd
> rather not spend the 5 to 50K for modelling tools if I can help it.
> Are
> there any lower cost IBIS to spice convertors out there? And is the
> conversion accurate (i.e., do you lose information in the conversion
> from IBIS to spice), or should I be looking for native-mode tools?
> Thanks in advance.
> Rick McBain
> Senior Engineer
> Dynamic Control Syetms Inc.
Dear Ted,

   Can I know to what level of MOS models that the AMP-spice can
support? Thanks!

Weber Chuang
SI eng.
VIA tech. Taiwan, ROC
Received on Thu Oct 23 18:55:07 1997

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