Re: low budget IBIS tools

Date: Mon Oct 27 1997 - 08:11:46 PST

                      RE>>low budget IBIS tools 10/27/97

I agree with Fabrizio and Andy.

A free spice2ibis tool does at least as much harm as good by facilitating a
proliferation of IBIS models not derived from or correlated with measurements.

A free ibis2spice tool, on the other hand, would do a great deal towards
making IBIS the defacto format for providing I/O-level device models.

It would also help overcome the difficulties sometimes encountered with
respect to SPICE models supplied in incompatible SPICE dialects, and go a long
way to convince "hardline" SPICE users (perhaps including myself) that
properly constructed IBIS-format models can be more accurate for certain
purposes than many of the available SPICE models. (It would be comforting to
know that we could use the familiar and powerful SPICE syntax to modify or
elaborate converted device or package models for any special needs that may
arise in our application.)

A good ibis2spice tool would also assist design/simulation teams who find it
advisable to switch back and forth between narrower SPICE-level simulations
and wider behavioral system-level simulations, by helping make sure that at
least one parameter (the measurement-based buffer model) is held approximately


-Mark Gailus
Teradyne Connection Systems

Received on Mon Oct 27 09:24:26 1997

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