Hyperlynx IBIS Developer Tool Kit - Action Item from IBIS User Meeting

From: Kathy Breda <breda@nesa.com>
Date: Thu Feb 26 1998 - 07:00:02 PST


One of the action items from the February 12, 1998 IBIS
User Meeting was to find out more about the
Hyperlynx developer tool kit.

Kellee Crisafulli at Hyperlynx was kind enough to supply
all the information needed to procure this
tool kit and find out what it is all about.
Please find the detail below.


  Kathy Breda


        Hyperlynx Developers Tool Kit Information

 - The e-mail contact person at HyperLynx is davek@hyperlynx.com

 - We have a form to fill out to get a free copy of the
   HyperLynx IBIS development system. It can be faxed
   to anyone that requests it. Call: us at 425-869-2320
   and ask for Bonnie.

   Basic requirements for a free copy are:
     - Must work for a company that sells commercially available
     - Must agree to develop at least one IBIS model.
     - Must agree to make IBIS models available to the public free of charge.
     - Must agree not to use the IBIS development system
       to do customer support. (We expect applications people
       to purchase a copy.)

   The other details are in the form. (It is only 1 page, single-
   sided, so no need to be intimidated!)

 - What is in the development system:
    - HyperLynx Visual IBIS Editor
      This includes a built-in copy of the IBIS Open Forum
      EIA syntax checker and data validator which HyperLynx
      has licensed.
    - HyperLynx Easy IBIS Wizard
      A powerful program that makes it very easy
      to create an IBIS model by filling out a series of
      forms in a "wizard" format. The result is a syntactically
      correct IBIS model. Much of the data is synthesized from
      data sheet information instead of requiring the user to
      enter extensive V/I tables.
    - IBIS simulator to verify the device model in actual use.
    - Example IBIS models from numerous manufacturers.
    - Several simulation test files with various loads.
      Users can also create their own validation schematics
      to apply other types of loads, such as transmission lines.
    - The free version has a restricted version of the HyperLynx
      simulator (limited in the size of simulation schematic it
      will run). These restrictions should present no problem for
      anyone that simply wants to verify an IBIS model's simulation.
- What platforms does it run on?
      Windows 95 and Windows NT (Intel platform only)
      NT versions 3.5x and 4.0 are both supported.

- For those people that would like this tool and do not qualify
  for a free copy, the for-sale version is $3000.00 and removes
  restrictions on the size of the simulation that can be run.
  (Just order our standard LineSim package, as it will include
  all the components in the IBIS development system.)

Have a great day...
Kellee Crisafulli at HyperLynx
kellee@hyperlynx.com http://www.hyperlynx.com
Received on Thu Feb 26 09:27:36 1998

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