Re: Level=45 in s2ibis by the Hspice simulator..

From: Dan Alexandrovich <>
Date: Mon Mar 16 1998 - 21:43:39 PST

Hi Wu.

Your problem is a simple one that can be solved easily by contacting both
and the company the supplied the Hspice file.

You require the permition / licence to use a transistor level 45. that can
be arranged be
getting a written authorization from the company that the Level 45 gate is
her IP.
And then by proving to Avant! that you have receive proper authorization.

But, if you are using a non-unix ( i.e. PC) version of of Hspice all the
above is theoretical.
The old 96.3 PC version does not support level 45 gates even with a
license, sorry.

Have a nice day.

§d©vÀM wrote:

> Hi,
> Thanks for your response.
> I have checked the license of our Hspice with Version 96.3. It is no
> problem.
> Then I check the user manual of Hspice and find that this Hspice version
> does not support the
> Level = 45 processing parameters which my Hspice circuit uses. It
> support Level = 41, 47, but not 45. I think it is the reason that I can
> not run s2ibis2 smoothly.
> SO, I have another QUESTION:
> Which version of Hspice will support LEVEL = 45 processing datas? OR, Is
> it a special circuit that needs special license?
> T.L. Wu

   _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/    Dan Aleksandrowicz
  _/_/_/_/                 Galileo Technology
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Received on Mon Mar 16 22:46:41 1998

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