Transit time extraction related issues for IBIS 3.0

From: A. D. Shirpadaraj <>
Date: Tue Mar 24 1998 - 23:39:44 PST


Can anybody explain me the importance of Transit time information(with
reference to IBIS 3.0 spec).

I simulated an I/O buffer spice netlist(disabling the output so that I
can get only clamp data), attaching the load(as specified in the section
"Notes on Data derivation method" of IBIS 3.0 spec doc) and connecting
a pulse generator with falling edge rate of 1ns.

Input of I/O buffer is at Gnd level.

   _________ _______
  | | ______________ |PULSE |
  |I/O BUFF |--0-----|______________|-------\/\/\/\----|GEN | __
  | | ^ T LINE 10 OHM |_______| \
   --------- | \
               | \______
               |____ tdrv

The simulation result is as follows,

       time voltage voltage
             (Pulse gen) tdrv
   0. 3.3000 3.3000
 400.00000p 1.9800 3.3000
 800.00000p 660.0000m 3.3000
   1.20000n 0. 2.7999
   1.60000n 0. 1.1855
   2.00000n 0. -745.8083m
   2.40000n 0. -765.5829m
   2.80000n 0. -764.9445m
   3.20000n 0. -766.0098m
   3.60000n 0. -743.5182m
   4.00000n 0. -593.9329m
   4.40000n 0. -480.4755m
   4.80000n 0. -451.3177m
   5.20000n 0. -454.4898m
   5.60000n 0. -286.7090m
   6.00000n 0. 152.1383m
   6.40000n 0. 292.0734m
   6.80000n 0. 307.6836m
   7.20000n 0. 300.9822m
   7.60000n 0. 323.2456m
   8.00000n 0. 243.2512m
   8.40000n 0. -10.6594m
   8.80000n 0. -152.1871m
   9.20000n 0. -193.6911m
   9.60000n 0. -196.4707m
  10.00000n 0. -222.0614m
  10.40000n 0. -164.7043m
  10.80000n 0. -24.4593m
  11.20000n 0. 78.7876m
  11.60000n 0. 115.6422m
  12.00000n 0. 125.1014m
  12.40000n 0. 145.4857m
  12.80000n 0. 119.0935m
  13.20000n 0. 35.9285m
  13.60000n 0. -34.7450m
  14.00000n 0. -69.3589m
  14.40000n 0. -80.1839m
  14.80000n 0. -96.5231m
  15.00000n 0. -100.8460m

 The driver output is having both positive and negative glitches.

 How to find transit time (TT) from this data.

What extra information does the TT keyword conveys to a
signal integrity analyser? Whether all buffers have some finite amount
of TT or only some with strong clamp.


A.D. Shripadaraj

Cadence Design Systems
Received on Tue Mar 24 23:42:21 1998

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