Could you please tell me why are the PULL UP/PULL DOWN curves seen thru
s2iplt having kinks and spikes. They are weird and triangular.
The Power/Gnd Clamps are O.K.
I have generated the IBIS files successfully. They have passed the
IBISCHK2 .Only warnings are there.
The cell under question is a Impedance controlled bUffer.
The foll warnings are there
TYP AC Rising Endpoints(-0.0V, 1.76 V) not within 0.035V (2%)
of (-0.70, 0.00V) on VI curves for 100 Ohms to 0V.
TYP AC Falling Endpoints(0.67V, 2.5 V) not within 0.037V (2%)
of (-0.70, 2.50V) on VI curves for 100 Ohms to 2.5V.
MIN AC Rising Endpoints (0.0, 1.5V) not within 0.031V (2%) of (-0.70V,
4.87V) on VI curves for 100 ohms to 0v.
MIN AC Falling Endpoints (0.71, 2.31V) not within 0.032V (2%) of
(-0.70V, 4.92V) on VI curves for 100 ohms to 2.5V
Please reply ASAP
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Received on Tue Nov 17 17:03:40 1998
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