Most of your syntax is wrong.
> I am having some difficulty getting ibis to compile. Can anyone explain
> the following:
> 1. how do you specify [pin], the following does not work due to parser
> error:
> [pin]
> 1 out1 obuf 200.0m 5.0nH 2.0pF
You are missing a field in the above line. Below are the fields required.
pin_name spice_node signal_name model_name
> 2. how would you specify a tristate output buffer that has an enable
> and an input data pin.
See the example in s2ibis2/examples/ex2/tristate.s2i, you need to make use of
the "->" syntax and create dummy model
> 3. this does not work:
> [comment char] *_char
> 4. [notes] blah blah blah
> core dumps
> 5. [spice command] hspice filename.hs
> does parse error
Needs to be of this format: hspice %s >%s 2>%s
Extracted from the doc file:
It has three "%s" printf conversion
characters, one each for the spice input file, the spice output
file and the spice message file (this last is optional), IN THAT
ORDER. See the string variable defaultSpiceCommand in the file
> 6. [model file] /usr/aaa/bbb/model.hs
> does not read model file
Not familiar with this keyword!!
> 7. [package] blah
> gives parse error
This keyword does not require a blah but if you want to use [Package model] then
you can specify a blah..
I would suggest that you read up on the /doc/s2ibis2.txt and also try
out the examples before running a translation on your design.
You should also be using the s2ibis2_fix version of the tool.
Hope this helps.
Cisco Systems, Inc
Received on Thu Oct 8 16:21:27 1998
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