Re: Voltage Reference Pins

From: Bob Ross <>
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 10:32:57 PST


You are correct that IBIS Version 3.2 does not model the
reference voltage pins directly.

BIRD62.6 covers internal and external reference voltage
specification and interactions with other parameters. So the
modeling effects will be covered in more detail in a future
version of IBIS.

For existing Version 3.2 models, I recommend that you designate
the reference voltage pins as NC or as POWER pins and capture
the reference voltage variations and threshold variations
with the [Voltage Range] or [Pullup Reference] keywords
threshold subparameters.

Bob Ross
Mentor Graphics

"Fisher, Thomas" wrote:
> Looking through the latest IBIS version I don't see any provision for pin(s)
> that are used simply as a voltage reference. Having said that, do we still
> model these pins? If so, how are they treated? Thanks.
> Regards,
> Thomas Fisher
Received on Thu Dec 7 10:36:30 2000

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