As far as I know, HSPICE supports IMIC also. To what extent, I don't know.
Arpad Muranyi
Intel Corporation
-----Original Message-----
From: Peters, Stephen []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 11:47 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Support of IBIS and IMIC
Hello Michael:
My comments are below.
Stephen Peters
Intel Corp.
> Hello,
> my research institute is interested in describing SSN and EMI
> effects using
> IBIS or IMIC. In the last time I've searched a lot through
> the WWW and I found
> a lot regarding the state of the art of IBIS and IMIC. But
> regarding the
> support, and the future trends of these two languages I couldn't find
> satisfactory answers. Because of this I want to ask some
> questions about IBIS
> and IMIC.
> Basically I'm interested in:
> 1. What simulators actually support IBIS V3.2? Do they
> support all features?
Almost all major CAE vendors support IBIS V3.2 -- for a partial listing
go to the IBIS web site and look at the roster page. As for supported
features, there are a core set of features (multi-driver models, submodels,
EBD files are the ones that come to mind immediately) that models providers
have requested and most CAE vendors support. However, for specific details
on what each tool supports you should contact each individual CAE vendor.
> Do they support IBIS direct or via a conversion tool?
Some tools will read an IBIS data file directly, other convert it into
their own model format.
> 2. Are there simulators supporting IMIC except those from Apsim?
Not that I'm aware of.
> 3. Do chip vendors provide IMIC models or are they thinking
> about providing
> IMIC models?
I don't know of any US company that is providing IMIC models. I believe
some Japanese companies are, but again, you will have to inquire directly.
> 4. What do you think about the future direction. Will IMIC become more
> important in the future or will IBIS introduce features of
> IMIC? This
> question is in regard to the possibilities of SSN and EMI
> simulation
> using IBIS and IMIC.
IBIS is seriously considering incorporating both nodal type descriptions
and general purpose behavioral elements into the standard. This is to
package modeling (i.e. allow the user to build models that accurately
the effects of power and ground distribution on SSO noise) as well as
modeling. At this time, IBIS models are not intended to support EMI type
In general, I view IMIC as filling a different role than IBIS. IMIC is
a way to describe a transistor level circuit without revealing process
but it is still targeted towards circuit type simulators. IBIS is targeted
the behavioral, system level, simulator.
> All kind of help is much appreciated. Many thanks in advance
> --
> Michael Kurten
> Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
> Institut Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration
> Fuerstenallee 11 - 33102 Paderborn - Germany
> Tel.:+49 5251-60-6177
> Fax :+49 5251-60-6155
> PGP public key : available
Received on Mon Feb 28 12:47:41 2000
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