RE: Subtracting clamp curves from pull-up/down curves

From: Muranyi, Arpad <>
Date: Fri Jul 07 2000 - 13:22:39 PDT

This is true, but we could have also decided to give curves
on "as measured" bases. For 3-statable buffers then a model
would consist of a 3-stated curve, a Driving_Low curve, and
a Driving_High curve. Note that the clamps are present in
each of these, and if nothing is done about it, double or
triple counting could happen. This was one of the items
we worried about and wanted to prevent.
Don gave another good summary on the history, and why and how
this subtract stuff came about.
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Westerhoff []
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 12:32 PM
To: Ian Dodd; Haller, Robert
Cc: 'Mike LaBonte';
Subject: Re: Subtracting clamp curves from pull-up/down curves

My $0.02:

2. Separating the clamps from the pull-up/down allows modeling of
high/low/tristate for devices that support these modes.

Is the right answer.

Thanks, Ian!


   Todd Westerhoff
   Product Marketing Director | High Speed Systems Design | Performance
   Cadence Design Systems | 270 Billerica Road | Chelmsford, MA 01824
   ph: (978) 262-6327
   fx: (978) 446-6798
   internal information website:
Received on Fri Jul 7 13:24:55 2000

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