I/V Data Extraction Circuit

From: Takafumi Nishi <TAKAFUN@jp.ibm.com>
Date: Wed Jun 28 2000 - 04:26:29 PDT


I have a question about IBIS modeling.
Is the appropriate circuit for I/V Data Extraction defined strictly?

IBIS Forum I/O Buffer Modeling Cookbook says
an independent voltage source should be used to generate I/V Data.
But I/O Buffer Information Specification seems to tell
the Cref, Rref, and Vref of [Model] section construct I/V Data Extraction

Could you please let me know it?

Takafumi NISHI
LSI Development No. 2,
Yasu Technology Application Laboratory,
IBM Japan, Ltd. Yasu
Received on Wed Jun 28 04:28:55 2000

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