RE: Merging modes

From: Muranyi, Arpad <>
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 12:10:07 PDT

Yes. Use the dynamic clamp submodel without pulse
table which makes it static, and specify non-driver mode.
Then copy your I-V curve (pd or pu) into the submodel
as a clamp curve. This will do what you need, and is
legal in terms of the spec.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Hayes []
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 11:23 AM
Subject: Merging modes

I have an I/O where the output PFET is switching when used
as a driver, however it acts as a fixed termination impedance
when used as a receiver. I created two modes of operation
where one mode models the I/O as an output and the
characteristics of the PFET reside in the [Pullup] table and
another mode that models the I/O as a input where I combined
the characteristics of the PFET termination with the power
clamp in the [Power_Clamp] table. This worked ... however the
customer views this as unacceptable because they have to change
model assignments between driver and receiver modes and is
requesting that I merge these modes into one mode using the
I/O model type. Is this possible?

Received on Thu May 4 12:11:57 2000

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