I appreciate all the help I have been getting so far.. thanks!
I have built my IBIS model using s2ibis2, typ, min and max data. The data
for my min curve seem to be a bit strange (when I looked at the curves using
s2iplt), and the IBIS golden parser is complaining about non-monotonic data.
I am not sure whether I should try to fix these warnings or not, because
they are not just isolated occurences of non-monotonic data (ie. I cannot
just discard the problematic point). I have included my IBIS model for
convenience. These are the warnings that I get:
WARNING (line 52) - Pulldown Minimum data is non-monotonic
WARNING (line 134) - Pullup Minimum data is non-monotonic
WARNING (line 307) - POWER Clamp Typical data is non-monotonic
WARNING (line 308) - POWER Clamp Minimum data is non-monotonic
I also get another warning. What does this warning mean?
WARNING - Model 'tristate_driver': MIN AC Rising Endpoints ( 0.00V, 0.89V)
not within
0.018V (2%) of (-0.02V, 0.84V) on VI curves for 50 Ohms to 0V
I would really appreciate any feedback!
Betty Luk
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