From: Bob Ross <>
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 10:59:08 PST

To All:

This is the third announcement for the European IBIS Summit Meeting
to be held on Friday, March 16, 2001 after the DATE 2001 exhibition
in Munich Germany. The purpose is to promote communication among users
and developers of IBIS models in Europe.

The meeting is free and open to everyone. Refreshments and a hot
lunch will be provided to all attendees.

Below is more information. We have approximately 11 presentations
so far listed below. Some titles are tentative.

If you have not done so, please respond to Karine Loudet if you
are attending.

Bob Ross
Mentor Graphics

          E U R O P E A N I B I S S U M M I T M E E T I N G
                    T H I R D A N N O U N C E M E N T

Time/Date: 8:30 PM - 5:00 PM, Friday, March 16, 2001

Location: ASTRON HOTEL/Neue Messe
               Eggenfeldener Strasse 100
               Munich, Germany

               This hotel is near the DATE 2001 Conference

Content: Presentations and Discussions

Purpose: Solicit and Exchange IBIS Model Related Information and Ideas

Sponsors: Cadence Design, Innoveda, Mentor Graphics, Zuken

DATE 2001: March 13 - 16, 2001. The IBIS meeting is scheduled
               the day after the DATE 2001 exhibition ends.

Location: International Congress Center, Munich, Germany

               See for more information.


We have been holding interesting European IBIS Summit Meetings for the
last three years. This year we are planning another meeting to include:

  Submitted Presentations on IBIS Topics (See below)
  Information about IBIS Version 3.2 and Activities
  Less formal Ad Hoc Presentations and Discussions
  IBIS Questions and Answers
Below is an invitation to register and also to submit presentations.


People involved in IBIS Model development, EDA tool development, and digital
circuit design are invited to participate in the European IBIS Summit meeting.
If you plan to participate, please register with the information below
(deadline, March 9, 2001):

  E-mail address:

Send to:

  Karine Loudet ( +33 1 40 94 74 54

We are seeking presentations from individuals who have IBIS experiences
or issues. Some suggested subjects of interest are:

  IBIS Model Development Experiences
  Company IBIS Standards and Requirements
  Generating and Validating IBIS Models
  Future IBIS Requirements

Format of Presentation: Overhead Projections
Time: 15-30 Minutes
Electronic Archival: We request electronic versions so that the
                         presentations can be archived and also made
                         available to non-attendees. Formats used in
                         the past have been text, Power Point, Word,
                         Postscript, and Acrobat. Electronic presentations
                         should be made available by March 6, 2001.
                         Otherwise the presentor will be expected to provide
                         50 copies for distribution.

If you plan a presentation, please supply

  E-mail address:

  Estimate Time:

Send this to:

  Karine Loudet (
  Bob Ross (


The agenda includes presentations, discussions. A free lunch is scheduled
for all attendees. Some titles have not been finalized:

- EMC Standardization Progress (title to be determined)
  Jean-Claude Perrin, Texas Instruments, France

- EMC Models (title to be determined)
  Christian Marot, Siemens, France

- Parasitic IC Emisson Modeling
  Etienne Sicard, National Institute of Applied Science, Toulouse, France

- Ground-Noise Model
  Mariusz Faferko, Fraunhofer Institute Reliability and Microintegration,

- Radiated Emission Model for IC
  Peter Kralicek, Fraunhofer Institute Reliability and Microintegration,

- DOGEN, A Siemens Internal Model Tool, Extension 1999 - 2001
  Hans Pichlmaier, Siemens AG, Germany

- Experiences with and Tips for IBIS Models
  Eckhard Lenski, Siemens AG, Germany

- IBIS Bus Modeling (title to be determined)
  Bernhard Unger, Siemens AG, Germany

- LVDS Modeling
  Hazem Hegany and Mohammed Korany, Mentor Graphics, Egypt

- (title to be determined)
  John Barrie, Zuken, England

  Arpad Muranyi, Intel, USA

Bob Ross,
Chair, EIA/IBIS Open Forum
Mentor Graphics
8005 S.W. Boeckman Road
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

(503) 685-0732
Received on Tue Feb 27 12:08:49 2001

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