Subject: [IBIS-Users] Rising/Falling Waveform generation
From: John Phillippe (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 09:27:32 PDT
Dear Everyone,
I can't seem to generate decent rising and falling waveforms in IBIS.
After looking at the generated spice files, I found that the problem was
with the Rfixture and Vfixture. I found that if I didn't use a test
fixture of any kind, then the waveforms came out correct. However I had
to manually generate them. So I went back and tried monkeying with the
Rfixture values, and found that a 100K resistor seems to allow IBIS to
generate a good waveform.
I've never used an IBIS model in a simulation environment before, and
so I guess my question is regarding the Rfixture, and what it is used
for. Could I manually generate my edges and then specify an Rfixture of
0 ohms in the ibis file? Is having an Rfixture of 100k going to cause
any problems for the end users?
-- John Phillippe SPS, 32 Bit Embedded Controller Division, IC Creation Motorola - 512-895-1835 Austin, TX - |------------------------------------------------------------------ |For help or to subscribe/unsubscribe, email |with just the appropriate command message(s) in the body: | | help | subscribe ibis <optional e-mail address, if different> | subscribe ibis-users <optional e-mail address, if different> | unsubscribe ibis <optional e-mail address, if different> | unsubscribe ibis-users <optional e-mail address, if different> | |or email a written request to | |IBIS reflector archives exist under: | | Recent | Recent | E-mail since 1993
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