Re: Bird 17, 101 points in tables

From: Arpad Muranyi <>
Date: Mon Jul 25 1994 - 11:03:04 PDT

Hi all,

Since I missed the last IBIS open forum meeting due to vacationing, I am not
sure what the background of BIRD 17 is.

Even though I do not like the 100 point limitation in some ways, I still think
it might be necessary because of the 100 point limit in the SPICE PWL sources.
As far as I understand, if we allow more than 100 points, we would automatically
exclude IBIS models to be used under SPICE platforms. (Let me know if I am

Since most curves have slowly changing (less sharp corners), or flat regions, I
think it is not necessary to use fine (0.1V) increments throughout the whole
range of a curve. Even though it is additional work, it is possible to write a
simple algorythm which increases the data points in quickly changing areas and
reduces them elsewhere.

Arpad Muranyi
Intel Corporation
Received on Mon Jul 25 10:07:34 1994

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