Dear IBIS Community:
Here is another s2ibis update. I have been on hold waiting for SPICE
executables to be loaded onto our RS6000 and assorted Sun platforms for
pre-release testing. In the meantime I have written man pages (unixspeak for
documentation) and implemented the min and max simulation runs. Apparently
SPICE has been loaded onto the machines in question, so I expect to be able
to post the executables for a variety of platforms on by next week.
In today's IBIS Open Forum meeting, Kellee et. al. asked me to post
my man pages and an example s2ibis output to the reflector. In the interests
of keeping this message as short as possible I created a simple s2ibis input
deck which describes a single 3-state CMOS inverter and its enable input, along
with some clamp diodes. I think it will be very easy to understand the input
deck once the man pages are read.
I am including, in order:
1) de-unixed man pages that should print anywhere
2) the s2ibis input deck for a simple CMOS 3-state circuit
3) the resulting s2ibis output
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Steve Lipa
15 Feb 1994 s2ibis(1)
s2ibis - convert SPICE models to IBIS models
s2ibis input_file [ output_file ]
s2ibis reads in a s2ibis input file and produces a Version 1.1 IBIS
model file. The s2ibis input file consists of a s2ibis header line, a
modified IBIS pin list, and a SPICE input deck describing the topology
of the circuit to be modeled. s2ibis uses the s2ibis header line and
pin list to generate the IBIS model file header and pin list, and then
invokes SPICE to generate IBIS model tables for the pins specified in
the pin list.
Currently, SPICE runs are initiated for [Pullup], [Pulldown],
[POWER_clamp], and [GND_clamp] tables for all output pins, except
Open_drain pins which omit the [Pullup] and [POWER_clamp] tables.
[POWER_clamp] and [GND_clamp] simulations are initiated for Input pins.
Simulation input and output decks are created in the directory in which
s2ibis is invoked. The general naming scheme for the files is
xxxyyyyy.spi or xxxyyyyy.out for the input and output files respec-
tively, where xxx is a three-letter code name for the simulation type
and yyyyy is the pin number. The first two characters of the xxx codes
are: [Pullup]=pu, [Pulldown]=pd, [POWER_clamp]=pc, [GND_clamp]=gc, and
[RAMP]=rm. The third character is t for typical, n for min, and x for
max. Thus, if s2ibis reports convergence problems while generating the
[GND_clamp] table for pin 6, the files of interest are: gct6.spi and
gct6.out. N.B.: s2ibis will overwrite these files with impunity,
regardless of the setting of the noclobber environment variable.
s2ibis reads the input file from input_file and puts the output on
stdout, unless output_file is specified.
The s2ibis input file consists of three parts: 1) the header line 2) the
modified pin list 3) the SPICE input deck.
The header line is used to create the IBIS model file header. It has the
following format:
*company_name device_name package_type technology
All four fields are required. s2ibis will accept any string for any of
the fields. Currently, the package_type field is not used. This field
is reserved for implementation of default parasitic pin inductances and
capacitances in future versions of s2ibis. s2ibis expects the technol-
ogy field to contain either CMOS or BIPOLAR. Anything else will result
in unpredictable behavior.
North Carolina State University 1
s2ibis(1) 15 Feb 1994
Immediately following the header line, s2ibis expects to find a pin
list. The pin list is the same as a standard IBIS pin list except that
after each non-NC pin entry a second line, called the pindata line, is
inserted to help s2ibis to set up the subsequent SPICE simulations.
The format for the pindata line depends on the model_type of the associ-
ated pin. Eight model_types are currently supported: 1) Input 2) Ouput
3) I/O 4) 3-state 5) Open_drain 6) POWER 7) GND 8) NC.
For pins with model_type Input, the pindata line has the following for-
*model_type SPICE_NODE polarity vil vih
The model_type field must be Input. The SPICE_NODE field is used to
specify which node in the attached SPICE deck corresponds to the pin.
The polarity field should be 1 for inverting inputs and 0 for non-
inverting inputs. The vil field should be a floating point number
specifying the voltage that this input should be driven to when a logic
low is to be applied. The vih field is similar for the logic high
For pins with model_type Output, I/O, 3-state, and Open_drain, the pin-
data line has the following format:
*model_type SPICE_NODE ramp_time input_pin [enable_pin]
The model_type field must be Output, I/O, 3-state, or Open_drain. The
SPICE_NODE field is as above. The ramp_time field should be a floating
point number specifying suggested minimum length for the SPICE .TRAN
analysis to be used for generating the [Ramp] tables. Currently, the
[Ramp] tables are not generated, but s2ibis expects a floating point
number anyway. The [Ramp] tables will be generated in the next version
of s2ibis. All output pins must have an associated input pin. The
input_pin field refers to the pin number, *not* the SPICE node number.
If the model_type is I/O or 3-state, an enable_pin field is expected,
specifying the pin number for the input pin that enables the associated
For POWER pins, the pindata line has the following format:
*model_type SPICE_NODE vpwr_typ [vpwr_min] [vpwr_max]
The model_type field must be POWER. The SPICE_NODE field operates as
described above. The vpwr_typ field is required. A floating point
number is expected, describing the nominal supply voltage to be applied.
If multiple POWER pins are specified, s2ibis will ignore all except the
For GND pins, the pindata line has the following format:
*model_type SPICE_NODE
The SPICE_NODE field operates as described above. Only the first GND
2 North Carolina State University
15 Feb 1994 s2ibis(1)
pin is acknowledged by s2ibis.
Finally, the [Pin] section must end with an [Endpin] card:
The input SPICE deck should contain only circuit elements needed to
describe the circuit. The power supply and voltage sources are automat-
ically generated by s2ibis. Similarly, control cards probably should
not be present in the SPICE deck. Currently s2ibis uses default SPICE
parameters, so users with convergence problems might want to use the
.OPTIONS card to mitigate them.
[Ramp] tables are not yet implemented.
SPICE convergence problems may result in missing tables. s2ibis tries
to continue in the event of problems in the SPICE runs, reporting prob-
lems on stderr.
Temporary SPICE input and output file names are not variable and will
overwrite existing files with the same names automatically.
Input voltages are forced to the same voltage (vil or vih) for all simu-
lations. That is, no allowance is made for variations in vil and vih
for min and max simulations.
s2ibis has only been tested using Berkeley SPICE version 2G6, and calls
SPICE using the following syntax:
spice inputfile outputfile
Proprietary versions of SPICE which use different output formats or dif-
ferent calling sequences may not work properly with s2ibis.
North Carolina State University 3
*Lipa_Labs 74LLC244 SO20 CMOS
*[Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin
* 1 NC NC
* 2 NC NC
* 3 gozouta Buffer1 200.0m 5.0nH 2.5pF
* 3-state 31 2.0E-8 4 8
* 4 In1 Input1
* Input 21 1 0.0 5.0
* GND 0
* 8 En1 Enable1
* Input 22 1 0.0 5.0
* 9 NC NC
* 10 NC NC
* 11 NC NC
* 13 NC NC
* POWER 99 5.0 4.5 5.5
*VDD 99 0 5.0V
M1 23 21 99 99 PCHAN W=23U L=2U
M3 24 22 99 99 PCHAN W=23U L=2U
M5 31 22 23 99 PCHAN W=23U L=2U
M2 23 21 0 0 NCHAN W=10U L=2U
M4 24 22 0 0 NCHAN W=10U L=2U
M6 31 24 23 0 NCHAN W=10U L=2U
D1 21 99 CLMP
D2 0 21 CLMP
D3 22 99 CLMP
D4 0 22 CLMP
D5 31 99 CLMP
D6 0 31 CLMP
[IBIS Ver] 1.1
[Comment char] *_char
[File name] example.ibs
[File Rev] 0.0
[Date] Fri Mar 11 13:58:41 1994
[Source] s2ibis SPICE to IBIS converter
[Disclaimer] This information is for modelling purposes only.
[Component] 74LLC244
[Manufacturer] Lipa_Labs
* variable typ min max
R_pkg 250.0m 225.0m 275.0m
L_pkg 15.0nH 12.0nH 18.0nH
C_pkg 18.0pF 15.0pF 20.0pF
[Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin
3 gozouta Buffer1 200.0m 5.0nH 2.5pF
4 In1 Input1
8 En1 Enable1
10 NC NC
11 NC NC
13 NC NC
[Model] Buffer1
Model_type 3-state
Polarity Inverting
Enable Active-Low
[Voltage range] 5.000000 4.500000 5.500000
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 -1.844e-01 -1.875e-01 -1.814e-01
-4.800 -1.758e-01 -1.789e-01 -1.728e-01
-4.600 -1.672e-01 -1.703e-01 -1.642e-01
-4.400 -1.586e-01 -1.617e-01 -1.556e-01
-4.200 -1.500e-01 -1.531e-01 -1.470e-01
-4.000 -1.414e-01 -1.445e-01 -1.384e-01
-3.800 -1.328e-01 -1.359e-01 -1.298e-01
-3.600 -1.242e-01 -1.274e-01 -1.212e-01
-3.400 -1.157e-01 -1.188e-01 -1.126e-01
-3.200 -1.071e-01 -1.102e-01 -1.040e-01
-3.000 -9.852e-02 -1.017e-01 -9.543e-02
-2.800 -8.997e-02 -9.313e-02 -8.686e-02
-2.600 -8.142e-02 -8.460e-02 -7.830e-02
-2.400 -7.289e-02 -7.608e-02 -6.975e-02
-2.200 -6.437e-02 -6.758e-02 -6.122e-02
-2.000 -5.587e-02 -5.910e-02 -5.270e-02
-1.800 -4.741e-02 -5.065e-02 -4.422e-02
-1.600 -3.898e-02 -4.223e-02 -3.577e-02
-1.400 -3.060e-02 -3.387e-02 -2.737e-02
-1.200 -2.232e-02 -2.560e-02 -1.908e-02
-1.000 -1.420e-02 -1.747e-02 -1.098e-02
-0.800 -6.497e-03 -9.639e-03 -3.525e-03
-0.600 -7.295e-04 -2.761e-03 -1.788e-04
-0.400 -7.791e-05 -1.004e-04 -1.024e-04
-0.200 -3.766e-05 -2.912e-05 -5.014e-05
0.000 -1.122e-10 -2.415e-08 -1.685e-11
0.200 3.595e-05 2.754e-05 4.803e-05
0.400 7.018e-05 5.366e-05 9.394e-05
0.600 1.027e-04 7.832e-05 1.377e-04
0.800 1.335e-04 1.015e-04 1.794e-04
1.000 1.629e-04 1.242e-04 2.190e-04
1.200 1.940e-04 1.489e-04 2.595e-04
1.400 2.275e-04 1.757e-04 3.027e-04
1.600 2.634e-04 2.045e-04 3.488e-04
1.800 3.016e-04 2.355e-04 3.975e-04
2.000 3.411e-04 2.675e-04 4.480e-04
2.200 3.808e-04 2.999e-04 4.983e-04
2.400 4.203e-04 3.323e-04 5.481e-04
2.600 4.593e-04 3.644e-04 5.970e-04
2.800 4.975e-04 3.962e-04 6.447e-04
3.000 5.346e-04 4.271e-04 6.907e-04
3.200 5.703e-04 4.571e-04 7.347e-04
3.400 6.042e-04 4.858e-04 7.763e-04
3.600 6.361e-04 5.130e-04 8.150e-04
3.800 6.657e-04 5.385e-04 8.506e-04
4.000 6.926e-04 5.623e-04 8.827e-04
4.200 7.166e-04 5.843e-04 9.109e-04
4.400 7.376e-04 6.038e-04 9.347e-04
4.600 7.552e-04 6.204e-04 9.540e-04
4.800 7.690e-04 6.352e-04 9.683e-04
5.000 7.782e-04 1.243e-03 9.773e-04
5.200 7.822e-04 1.206e-02 9.802e-04
5.400 7.831e-04 3.061e-02 9.802e-04
5.600 1.432e-03 5.079e-02 9.802e-04
5.800 1.364e-02 7.156e-02 9.802e-04
6.000 3.282e-02 9.264e-02 9.805e-04
6.200 5.331e-02 1.139e-01 1.723e-03
6.400 7.428e-02 1.353e-01 1.550e-02
6.600 9.550e-02 1.568e-01 3.527e-02
6.800 1.169e-01 1.783e-01 5.604e-02
7.000 1.384e-01 1.999e-01 7.720e-02
7.200 1.599e-01 2.215e-01 9.856e-02
7.400 1.815e-01 2.432e-01 1.200e-01
7.600 2.032e-01 2.649e-01 1.416e-01
7.800 2.249e-01 2.866e-01 1.632e-01
8.000 2.466e-01 3.084e-01 1.849e-01
8.200 2.683e-01 3.301e-01 2.066e-01
8.400 2.901e-01 3.519e-01 2.284e-01
8.600 3.119e-01 3.737e-01 2.501e-01
8.800 3.336e-01 3.955e-01 2.719e-01
9.000 3.555e-01 4.173e-01 2.937e-01
9.200 3.773e-01 4.391e-01 3.155e-01
9.400 3.991e-01 4.609e-01 3.374e-01
9.600 4.209e-01 4.828e-01 3.592e-01
9.800 4.428e-01 5.046e-01 3.810e-01
10.000 4.646e-01 5.265e-01 4.029e-01
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 4.614e-01 4.719e-01 4.576e-01
-4.800 4.395e-01 4.500e-01 4.357e-01
-4.600 4.176e-01 4.282e-01 4.138e-01
-4.400 3.958e-01 4.064e-01 3.920e-01
-4.200 3.740e-01 3.846e-01 3.701e-01
-4.000 3.521e-01 3.628e-01 3.483e-01
-3.800 3.303e-01 3.410e-01 3.264e-01
-3.600 3.085e-01 3.192e-01 3.046e-01
-3.400 2.867e-01 2.975e-01 2.828e-01
-3.200 2.649e-01 2.758e-01 2.610e-01
-3.000 2.432e-01 2.540e-01 2.392e-01
-2.800 2.214e-01 2.324e-01 2.175e-01
-2.600 1.997e-01 2.107e-01 1.958e-01
-2.400 1.781e-01 1.891e-01 1.741e-01
-2.200 1.564e-01 1.675e-01 1.524e-01
-2.000 1.349e-01 1.460e-01 1.308e-01
-1.800 1.134e-01 1.246e-01 1.093e-01
-1.600 9.196e-02 1.032e-01 8.784e-02
-1.400 7.071e-02 8.205e-02 6.657e-02
-1.200 4.972e-02 6.110e-02 4.556e-02
-1.000 2.924e-02 4.056e-02 2.513e-02
-0.800 1.030e-02 2.092e-02 6.719e-03
-0.600 4.813e-04 4.548e-03 3.961e-04
-0.400 1.920e-04 1.677e-04 2.440e-04
-0.200 9.376e-05 6.155e-05 1.195e-04
0.000 1.888e-11 2.491e-08 1.655e-11
0.200 -8.933e-05 -5.817e-05 -1.144e-04
0.400 -1.742e-04 -1.131e-04 -2.238e-04
0.600 -2.546e-04 -1.648e-04 -3.281e-04
0.800 -3.306e-04 -2.133e-04 -4.274e-04
1.000 -4.030e-04 -2.596e-04 -5.222e-04
1.200 -4.728e-04 -3.041e-04 -6.141e-04
1.400 -5.402e-04 -3.468e-04 -7.033e-04
1.600 -6.051e-04 -3.876e-04 -7.896e-04
1.800 -6.674e-04 -4.266e-04 -8.730e-04
2.000 -7.272e-04 -4.635e-04 -9.535e-04
2.200 -7.840e-04 -4.983e-04 -1.031e-03
2.400 -8.380e-04 -5.311e-04 -1.105e-03
2.600 -8.892e-04 -5.618e-04 -1.175e-03
2.800 -9.376e-04 -5.905e-04 -1.243e-03
3.000 -9.832e-04 -6.173e-04 -1.307e-03
3.200 -1.026e-03 -6.420e-04 -1.368e-03
3.400 -1.066e-03 -6.648e-04 -1.426e-03
3.600 -1.103e-03 -6.857e-04 -1.480e-03
3.800 -1.138e-03 -7.055e-04 -1.532e-03
4.000 -1.170e-03 -7.264e-04 -1.580e-03
4.200 -1.200e-03 -7.484e-04 -1.625e-03
4.400 -1.232e-03 -7.714e-04 -1.667e-03
4.600 -1.265e-03 -7.955e-04 -1.707e-03
4.800 -1.300e-03 -8.221e-04 -1.747e-03
5.000 -1.336e-03 -1.311e-03 -1.789e-03
5.200 -1.374e-03 -6.331e-03 -1.832e-03
5.400 -1.412e-03 -1.379e-02 -1.877e-03
5.600 -1.572e-03 -2.178e-02 -1.924e-03
5.800 -5.689e-03 -2.998e-02 -1.972e-03
6.000 -1.319e-02 -3.830e-02 -2.022e-03
6.200 -2.126e-02 -4.668e-02 -2.462e-03
6.400 -2.953e-02 -5.511e-02 -7.877e-03
6.600 -3.790e-02 -6.357e-02 -1.566e-02
6.800 -4.633e-02 -7.206e-02 -2.384e-02
7.000 -5.481e-02 -8.057e-02 -3.217e-02
7.200 -6.331e-02 -8.910e-02 -4.058e-02
7.400 -7.183e-02 -9.763e-02 -4.904e-02
7.600 -8.037e-02 -1.062e-01 -5.754e-02
7.800 -8.892e-02 -1.147e-01 -6.606e-02
8.000 -9.748e-02 -1.233e-01 -7.460e-02
8.200 -1.060e-01 -1.319e-01 -8.315e-02
8.400 -1.146e-01 -1.405e-01 -9.171e-02
8.600 -1.232e-01 -1.490e-01 -1.003e-01
8.800 -1.318e-01 -1.576e-01 -1.089e-01
9.000 -1.404e-01 -1.662e-01 -1.175e-01
9.200 -1.490e-01 -1.748e-01 -1.260e-01
9.400 -1.576e-01 -1.834e-01 -1.346e-01
9.600 -1.662e-01 -1.920e-01 -1.432e-01
9.800 -1.748e-01 -2.006e-01 -1.519e-01
10.000 -1.834e-01 -2.092e-01 -1.605e-01
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 -1.830e-01 -1.875e-01 -1.814e-01
-4.800 -1.744e-01 -1.789e-01 -1.728e-01
-4.600 -1.658e-01 -1.703e-01 -1.642e-01
-4.400 -1.572e-01 -1.617e-01 -1.556e-01
-4.200 -1.486e-01 -1.531e-01 -1.470e-01
-4.000 -1.400e-01 -1.445e-01 -1.384e-01
-3.800 -1.314e-01 -1.359e-01 -1.298e-01
-3.600 -1.228e-01 -1.274e-01 -1.212e-01
-3.400 -1.142e-01 -1.188e-01 -1.126e-01
-3.200 -1.057e-01 -1.102e-01 -1.040e-01
-3.000 -9.709e-02 -1.017e-01 -9.543e-02
-2.800 -8.853e-02 -9.313e-02 -8.686e-02
-2.600 -7.997e-02 -8.460e-02 -7.829e-02
-2.400 -7.143e-02 -7.608e-02 -6.975e-02
-2.200 -6.291e-02 -6.758e-02 -6.121e-02
-2.000 -5.441e-02 -5.910e-02 -5.270e-02
-1.800 -4.593e-02 -5.064e-02 -4.421e-02
-1.600 -3.749e-02 -4.223e-02 -3.576e-02
-1.400 -2.911e-02 -3.387e-02 -2.737e-02
-1.200 -2.082e-02 -2.560e-02 -1.907e-02
-1.000 -1.270e-02 -1.746e-02 -1.097e-02
-0.800 -5.070e-03 -9.627e-03 -3.477e-03
-0.600 -1.905e-04 -2.731e-03 -2.425e-05
-0.400 -1.041e-07 -4.215e-05 -5.130e-09
-0.200 -5.844e-11 -1.002e-07 -1.287e-11
0.000 -1.194e-11 -1.250e-08 -1.102e-11
0.200 -1.098e-11 -1.131e-08 -1.022e-11
0.400 -1.002e-11 -1.021e-08 -9.421e-12
0.600 -9.069e-12 -9.105e-09 -8.619e-12
0.800 -8.115e-12 -8.002e-09 -7.817e-12
1.000 -7.160e-12 -6.898e-09 -7.016e-12
1.200 -6.205e-12 -5.794e-09 -6.214e-12
1.400 -5.251e-12 -4.691e-09 -5.412e-12
1.600 -4.296e-12 -3.587e-09 -4.610e-12
1.800 -3.341e-12 -2.483e-09 -3.808e-12
2.000 -2.387e-12 -1.380e-09 -3.007e-12
2.200 -1.432e-12 -2.759e-10 -2.205e-12
2.400 -4.774e-13 8.278e-10 -1.403e-12
2.600 4.773e-13 1.931e-09 -6.013e-13
2.800 1.432e-12 3.035e-09 2.005e-13
3.000 2.387e-12 4.139e-09 1.002e-12
3.200 3.341e-12 5.243e-09 1.804e-12
3.400 4.296e-12 6.346e-09 2.606e-12
3.600 5.251e-12 7.450e-09 3.408e-12
3.800 6.205e-12 8.554e-09 4.209e-12
4.000 7.160e-12 9.657e-09 5.011e-12
4.200 8.115e-12 1.076e-08 5.813e-12
4.400 9.069e-12 1.187e-08 6.615e-12
4.600 1.002e-11 1.650e-08 7.416e-12
4.800 1.098e-11 1.968e-06 8.218e-12
5.000 1.194e-11 6.716e-04 9.020e-12
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 4.614e-01 4.719e-01 4.576e-01
-4.800 4.395e-01 4.500e-01 4.357e-01
-4.600 4.176e-01 4.282e-01 4.138e-01
-4.400 3.958e-01 4.064e-01 3.920e-01
-4.200 3.740e-01 3.846e-01 3.701e-01
-4.000 3.521e-01 3.628e-01 3.483e-01
-3.800 3.303e-01 3.410e-01 3.264e-01
-3.600 3.085e-01 3.192e-01 3.046e-01
-3.400 2.867e-01 2.975e-01 2.828e-01
-3.200 2.649e-01 2.758e-01 2.610e-01
-3.000 2.432e-01 2.540e-01 2.392e-01
-2.800 2.214e-01 2.324e-01 2.175e-01
-2.600 1.997e-01 2.107e-01 1.958e-01
-2.400 1.781e-01 1.891e-01 1.741e-01
-2.200 1.564e-01 1.675e-01 1.524e-01
-2.000 1.349e-01 1.460e-01 1.308e-01
-1.800 1.133e-01 1.246e-01 1.093e-01
-1.600 9.194e-02 1.032e-01 8.783e-02
-1.400 7.069e-02 8.204e-02 6.655e-02
-1.200 4.969e-02 6.108e-02 4.553e-02
-1.000 2.921e-02 4.054e-02 2.508e-02
-0.800 1.022e-02 2.089e-02 6.579e-03
-0.600 1.991e-04 4.462e-03 2.630e-05
-0.400 1.041e-07 4.245e-05 5.130e-09
-0.200 5.844e-11 1.002e-07 1.183e-11
0.000 1.194e-11 1.250e-08 1.102e-11
[Model] Input1
Model_type Input
Polarity Non-Inverting
[Voltage range] 5.000000 4.500000 5.500000
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 -4.248e-02 -4.355e-02 -4.209e-02
-4.800 -4.049e-02 -4.157e-02 -4.010e-02
-4.600 -3.850e-02 -3.958e-02 -3.812e-02
-4.400 -3.652e-02 -3.760e-02 -3.613e-02
-4.200 -3.453e-02 -3.562e-02 -3.414e-02
-4.000 -3.255e-02 -3.363e-02 -3.216e-02
-3.800 -3.056e-02 -3.165e-02 -3.017e-02
-3.600 -2.858e-02 -2.968e-02 -2.819e-02
-3.400 -2.660e-02 -2.770e-02 -2.620e-02
-3.200 -2.462e-02 -2.572e-02 -2.422e-02
-3.000 -2.264e-02 -2.375e-02 -2.224e-02
-2.800 -2.067e-02 -2.177e-02 -2.027e-02
-2.600 -1.869e-02 -1.981e-02 -1.829e-02
-2.400 -1.672e-02 -1.784e-02 -1.632e-02
-2.200 -1.475e-02 -1.588e-02 -1.435e-02
-2.000 -1.279e-02 -1.392e-02 -1.238e-02
-1.800 -1.083e-02 -1.197e-02 -1.042e-02
-1.600 -8.884e-03 -1.002e-02 -8.470e-03
-1.400 -6.948e-03 -8.093e-03 -6.532e-03
-1.200 -5.031e-03 -6.180e-03 -4.613e-03
-1.000 -3.152e-03 -4.297e-03 -2.736e-03
-0.800 -1.368e-03 -2.474e-03 -9.784e-04
-0.600 -8.539e-05 -8.266e-04 -1.211e-05
-0.400 -5.206e-08 -2.018e-05 -2.608e-09
-0.200 -2.822e-11 -4.277e-08 -6.430e-12
0.000 -5.010e-12 -8.942e-11 -5.500e-12
0.200 -4.600e-12 -4.098e-12 -5.100e-12
0.400 -4.200e-12 -3.698e-12 -4.700e-12
0.600 -3.800e-12 -3.298e-12 -4.300e-12
0.800 -3.400e-12 -2.898e-12 -3.900e-12
1.000 -3.000e-12 -2.498e-12 -3.500e-12
1.200 -2.600e-12 -2.098e-12 -3.100e-12
1.400 -2.200e-12 -1.698e-12 -2.700e-12
1.600 -1.800e-12 -1.298e-12 -2.300e-12
1.800 -1.400e-12 -8.982e-13 -1.900e-12
2.000 -1.000e-12 -4.982e-13 -1.500e-12
2.200 -6.000e-13 -9.818e-14 -1.100e-12
2.400 -2.000e-13 3.018e-13 -7.000e-13
2.600 2.000e-13 7.018e-13 -3.000e-13
2.800 6.000e-13 1.102e-12 1.000e-13
3.000 1.000e-12 1.502e-12 5.000e-13
3.200 1.400e-12 1.902e-12 9.000e-13
3.400 1.800e-12 2.302e-12 1.300e-12
3.600 2.200e-12 2.702e-12 1.700e-12
3.800 2.600e-12 3.102e-12 2.100e-12
4.000 3.000e-12 3.502e-12 2.500e-12
4.200 3.400e-12 3.902e-12 2.900e-12
4.400 3.800e-12 8.097e-12 3.300e-12
4.600 4.200e-12 1.913e-09 3.700e-12
4.800 4.600e-12 9.562e-07 4.100e-12
5.000 5.010e-12 2.333e-04 4.500e-12
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 4.248e-02 4.355e-02 4.209e-02
-4.800 4.049e-02 4.157e-02 4.010e-02
-4.600 3.850e-02 3.958e-02 3.812e-02
-4.400 3.652e-02 3.760e-02 3.613e-02
-4.200 3.453e-02 3.562e-02 3.414e-02
-4.000 3.255e-02 3.363e-02 3.216e-02
-3.800 3.056e-02 3.165e-02 3.017e-02
-3.600 2.858e-02 2.968e-02 2.819e-02
-3.400 2.660e-02 2.770e-02 2.620e-02
-3.200 2.462e-02 2.572e-02 2.422e-02
-3.000 2.264e-02 2.375e-02 2.224e-02
-2.800 2.067e-02 2.177e-02 2.027e-02
-2.600 1.869e-02 1.981e-02 1.829e-02
-2.400 1.672e-02 1.784e-02 1.632e-02
-2.200 1.475e-02 1.588e-02 1.435e-02
-2.000 1.279e-02 1.392e-02 1.238e-02
-1.800 1.083e-02 1.197e-02 1.042e-02
-1.600 8.884e-03 1.002e-02 8.470e-03
-1.400 6.948e-03 8.093e-03 6.532e-03
-1.200 5.031e-03 6.180e-03 4.613e-03
-1.000 3.152e-03 4.297e-03 2.736e-03
-0.800 1.368e-03 2.474e-03 9.783e-04
-0.600 8.539e-05 8.266e-04 1.211e-05
-0.400 5.206e-08 2.019e-05 2.608e-09
-0.200 2.822e-11 4.277e-08 5.901e-12
0.000 5.010e-12 8.959e-11 5.500e-12
[Model] Enable1
Model_type Input
Polarity Non-Inverting
[Voltage range] 5.000000 4.500000 5.500000
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 -4.248e-02 -4.355e-02 -4.209e-02
-4.800 -4.049e-02 -4.157e-02 -4.010e-02
-4.600 -3.850e-02 -3.958e-02 -3.812e-02
-4.400 -3.652e-02 -3.760e-02 -3.613e-02
-4.200 -3.453e-02 -3.562e-02 -3.414e-02
-4.000 -3.255e-02 -3.363e-02 -3.216e-02
-3.800 -3.056e-02 -3.165e-02 -3.017e-02
-3.600 -2.858e-02 -2.968e-02 -2.819e-02
-3.400 -2.660e-02 -2.770e-02 -2.620e-02
-3.200 -2.462e-02 -2.572e-02 -2.422e-02
-3.000 -2.264e-02 -2.375e-02 -2.224e-02
-2.800 -2.067e-02 -2.177e-02 -2.027e-02
-2.600 -1.869e-02 -1.981e-02 -1.829e-02
-2.400 -1.672e-02 -1.784e-02 -1.632e-02
-2.200 -1.475e-02 -1.588e-02 -1.435e-02
-2.000 -1.279e-02 -1.392e-02 -1.238e-02
-1.800 -1.083e-02 -1.197e-02 -1.042e-02
-1.600 -8.884e-03 -1.002e-02 -8.470e-03
-1.400 -6.948e-03 -8.093e-03 -6.532e-03
-1.200 -5.031e-03 -6.180e-03 -4.613e-03
-1.000 -3.152e-03 -4.297e-03 -2.736e-03
-0.800 -1.368e-03 -2.474e-03 -9.784e-04
-0.600 -8.539e-05 -8.266e-04 -1.211e-05
-0.400 -5.206e-08 -2.018e-05 -2.608e-09
-0.200 -2.822e-11 -4.277e-08 -6.430e-12
0.000 -5.010e-12 -8.942e-11 -5.500e-12
0.200 -4.600e-12 -4.098e-12 -5.100e-12
0.400 -4.200e-12 -3.698e-12 -4.700e-12
0.600 -3.800e-12 -3.298e-12 -4.300e-12
0.800 -3.400e-12 -2.898e-12 -3.900e-12
1.000 -3.000e-12 -2.498e-12 -3.500e-12
1.200 -2.600e-12 -2.098e-12 -3.100e-12
1.400 -2.200e-12 -1.698e-12 -2.700e-12
1.600 -1.800e-12 -1.298e-12 -2.300e-12
1.800 -1.400e-12 -8.982e-13 -1.900e-12
2.000 -1.000e-12 -4.982e-13 -1.500e-12
2.200 -6.000e-13 -9.818e-14 -1.100e-12
2.400 -2.000e-13 3.018e-13 -7.000e-13
2.600 2.000e-13 7.018e-13 -3.000e-13
2.800 6.000e-13 1.102e-12 1.000e-13
3.000 1.000e-12 1.502e-12 5.000e-13
3.200 1.400e-12 1.902e-12 9.000e-13
3.400 1.800e-12 2.302e-12 1.300e-12
3.600 2.200e-12 2.702e-12 1.700e-12
3.800 2.600e-12 3.102e-12 2.100e-12
4.000 3.000e-12 3.502e-12 2.500e-12
4.200 3.400e-12 3.902e-12 2.900e-12
4.400 3.800e-12 8.097e-12 3.300e-12
4.600 4.200e-12 1.913e-09 3.700e-12
4.800 4.600e-12 9.562e-07 4.100e-12
5.000 5.010e-12 2.333e-04 4.500e-12
* Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.000 4.248e-02 4.355e-02 4.209e-02
-4.800 4.049e-02 4.157e-02 4.010e-02
-4.600 3.850e-02 3.958e-02 3.812e-02
-4.400 3.652e-02 3.760e-02 3.613e-02
-4.200 3.453e-02 3.562e-02 3.414e-02
-4.000 3.255e-02 3.363e-02 3.216e-02
-3.800 3.056e-02 3.165e-02 3.017e-02
-3.600 2.858e-02 2.968e-02 2.819e-02
-3.400 2.660e-02 2.770e-02 2.620e-02
-3.200 2.462e-02 2.572e-02 2.422e-02
-3.000 2.264e-02 2.375e-02 2.224e-02
-2.800 2.067e-02 2.177e-02 2.027e-02
-2.600 1.869e-02 1.981e-02 1.829e-02
-2.400 1.672e-02 1.784e-02 1.632e-02
-2.200 1.475e-02 1.588e-02 1.435e-02
-2.000 1.279e-02 1.392e-02 1.238e-02
-1.800 1.083e-02 1.197e-02 1.042e-02
-1.600 8.884e-03 1.002e-02 8.470e-03
-1.400 6.948e-03 8.093e-03 6.532e-03
-1.200 5.031e-03 6.180e-03 4.613e-03
-1.000 3.152e-03 4.297e-03 2.736e-03
-0.800 1.368e-03 2.474e-03 9.783e-04
-0.600 8.539e-05 8.266e-04 1.211e-05
-0.400 5.206e-08 2.019e-05 2.608e-09
-0.200 2.822e-11 4.277e-08 5.901e-12
0.000 5.010e-12 8.959e-11 5.500e-12
Received on Fri Mar 11 11:48:01 1994
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