Steffen Rochel and Ibis Committee
Thanks for doing a major extension on the IBIS BNF for Version 2.0. It takes
a lot of detailed effort to work on this. One open question is, does there
exist an ISO or ANSI preferred BNF style?
I have attempted a thorough pass through the BNF. Probably more review is needed
for better accuracy. My changes are indicated by a comment above using
specific comment format:
"//*** ..... "
Some minor spelling corrections are not noted.
Several overall comments:
(1) For certain groups of keywords, the order of occurance is not fixed.
I did not make any changes or notes where I detected such situations.
However, I did provide the sub-parameter ordering combinations for the sub-
parameters r_pin, l_pin, and c_pin since this is the only exception to a fixed
keyword-line sub-parameter ordering.
(2) At this time the sub-parameters are case sensitive. I did not attempt
to make changes in this area. This could be a IBIS issue to relax Version
2.1 over Version 1.1. Reserved words 'power', 'gnd', 'na', 'nc' are not
case sensitive. Units, e.g, 'm' are case sensitive. So some portions of
the BNF may have to be changed for clarity. Without any case sensitivity
restrictions, the BNF here will except IBIS_CHK compliant syntax along with
non-compliant case change variations. Other than units and file name
conventions, no portion of IBIS really needs the case restriction.
(3) The 80 character line length limit is assumed using strings of limited
length and reals. However, a sequence of reals may extend over several lines
in the "full_matrix" package model. Stings of unlimited length may extend to
subsequent lines, and their termination is demarked by any subsequent keyword.
Bob Ross
Interconnectix, Inc.
//*** Changes in "keywords ... and added next line:
// Remarks
// comments starts with "//"
// keywords are enclosed by '[' '...' ']'. An underbar "_" may be substituted
// for any internal single space and a single space may be substituted for
// an internal underbar. No space may exist between the '[' or ']' and
// the internal keyword.
// defined characters and verbatium strings are enclosed by '...'
// a set is specified by { }, options are enclosed by [ ... ]
// "|" defines an alternative
ibisfile ::= ibisfileheader sections '[' 'end' ']'
packagefile ::= packagefileheader packagedefinitionsections '[' 'end' ']'
ibisfileheader ::= ibisversion ibisfilename fileversion fileheaderitems
packagefileheader ::= ibisversion packagefilename fileversion fileheaderitems
fileheaderitems ::= [ commentchar ] [ date ] [ source ] [ notes ] [ disclaimer ]
[ copyright ]
ibisversion ::= '[' 'ibis ver' ']' string
commentchar ::= '[' 'comment char' ']' commentstring
commentstring ::= comment_character '_char'
//*** Some comment characters used "\" so I changed the list and
//*** put the permitted characters in ASCII order within ' '.
comment_character ::= '!' | '"' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '&' | ''' | '(' |
')' | '*' | ',' | ':' | ';' | '<' | '>' | '?' |
'@' | '\' | '^' | '`' | '{' | '|' | '}' | '~'
ibisfilename ::= '[' 'file name' ']' ibisfilenamestring
ibisfilenamestring ::= string8 '.ibs'
packagefilename ::= '[' 'file name' ']' packagefilenamestring
packagefilenamestring ::= string8 '.pkg'
fileversion ::= '[' 'file rev' ']' string
date ::= '[' 'date' ']' string40
//*** The following four keywords do not have a string length limitation.
//*** Even copyright can extend to several lines.
source ::= '[' 'source' ']' string
notes ::= '[' 'notes' ']' string
disclaimer ::= '[' 'disclaimer' ']' string
copyright ::= '[' 'copyright' ']' string
sections ::= componentdefinitionsection [ modeldefinitionsections ]
[ packagedefinitionsection ]
modeldefinitionsections ::= { modeldefinitionsection }
packagedefinitionsections ::= { packagedefinitionsection }
componentdefinitionsection ::= component manufacturer package pin
[ package_model ] [ pin_mapping ]
[ diff_pin ]
component ::= '[' 'component' ']' string40
manufacturer ::= '[' 'manufacturer' ']' string40
package ::= '[' 'package' ']' package_rlc
package_rlc ::= 'r_pkg' typ_min_max
'l_pkg' typ_min_max
'c_pkg' typ_min_max
typ_min_max ::= real real_na real_na
real_na ::= real | 'na'
real_na9 ::= real9 | 'na'
//*** This was unclear, so I made a change here
pin ::= pin_wpi
| pin_data
//*** Sub-parameter order choices added
pin_wpi ::= pin_header rlc_pin_heading pin_entry_set_wpi
rlc_pin_heading ::= 'r_pin' 'l_pin' 'c_pin' |
'r_pin' 'c_pin' 'l_pin' |
'l_pin' 'c_pin' 'r_pin' |
'l_pin' 'r_pin' 'c_pin' |
'c_pin' 'r_pin' 'l_pin' |
'c_pin' 'l_pin' 'r_pin'
pin_data ::= pin_header pin_entry_set
pin_header ::= '[' 'pin' ']' 'signal_name' 'model_name'
pin_entry_set_wpi ::= pin_entry_wpi { pin_entry_wpi }
pin_entry_set ::= pin_entry { pin_entry }
//*** Even with package information heading, the last 3 columns are
//*** optional for any line. Thus the "[" and "]".
pin_entry_wpi ::= pin_entry [ real_na9 real_na9 real_na9 ]
//*** model_identifier is required, so I removed the "[" and "]"
pin_entry ::= pin_identifier signal_identifier model_identifier
pin_identifier ::= string5
signal_identifier ::= string20
model_identifier ::= string20 | 'power' | 'gnd' | 'nc'
package_model ::= '[' 'package model' ']' string40
//*** Last two subparameters are optional and pin_mapping follows similar
//*** syntax to diff_pin. This whole section has been modified.
pin_mapping ::= pin_mapping_wr
| pin_mapping_data
pin_mapping_wr ::= pin_mapping_header clamp_ref_name pin_mapping_data_set_wr
pin_mapping_data ::= pin_mapping_header pin_mapping_value_set
pin_mapping_header ::= '[' 'pin mapping' ']' 'pulldown_ref' 'pullup_ref'
clamp_ref_name ::= 'gnd_clamp_ref' 'power_clamp_ref'
pin_mapping_value_set ::= pin_mapping_values { pin_mapping_values }
pin_mapping_value_set_wr ::= pin_mapping_values_wr { pin_mapping_values_wr }
pin_mapping_values_wr ::= string5 string15 string15 [ string15 string15 ]
pin_mapping_values ::= string5 string15 string15
diff_pin ::= diff_pin_wr
| diff_pin_data
diff_pin_wr ::= diff_pin_header delay_range_name diff_pin_value_set_wr
diff_pin_data ::= diff_pin_header diff_pin_value_set
diff_pin_header ::= '[' 'diff_pin' ']' 'inv_pin' 'vdiff' 'tdelay_typ'
delay_range_name ::= 'tdelay_min' 'tdelay_max'
diff_pin_value_set ::= diff_pin_values { diff_pin_values }
diff_pin_value_set_wr ::= diff_pin_values_wr { diff_pin_values_wr }
//*** Last two entries can be optional
diff_pin_values_wr ::= diff_pin_values [ real_na9 real_na9 ]
diff_pin_values ::= string5 string5 real9 real_na9
modeldefinitionsection ::= '[' 'model' ']' model_name model
model_name ::= string20
model ::= model_of_type_one | model_of_type_two | model_of_type_terminator
model_of_type_one ::= modeltype_one modelentry_one
model_of_type_two ::= modeltype_two modelentry_two
model_of_type_terminator ::= modeltype_terminator modelentry_terminator
modeltype_one ::= 'model_type' modeltype_one_identifier
modeltype_one_identifier ::= 'input' | 'i/o' | 'i/o_open_drain' |
'i/o_open_sink' | 'i/o_open_source' |
'input_ecl' | 'i/o_ecl'
modeltype_two ::= 'model_type' modeltype_two_identifier
modeltype_two_identifier ::= '3-state' | 'open_sink' | 'open_drain' |
'open_source' | 'output' | 'output_ecl'
modeltype_terminator ::= 'model_type' 'terminator'
modelentry_one ::= c_comp vinl vinh modelentry
modelentry_two ::= c_comp modelentry
modelentry_terminator ::= c_comp modelentry
modelentry ::= [ polarity ] [ enable ] [ vmeas ] [ cref ] [ rref ] [ vref ]
[ temperature_range ] [ model_range ] [ pulldown ] [ pullup ]
[ gndclamp ] [ powerclamp ] [ rpower ] [ rgnd ] [ ramp ]
[ rac ] [ cac ] [ waveformtable ]
//*** Model_refs and voltage_range requirement clarification below:
model_range ::= voltage_range |
all_model_refs |
voltage_range model_refs
all_model_refs ::= pullup_reference pulldown_reference gnd_clamp_reference
model_refs ::= [ pullup_reference ] [ pulldown_reference ] [ gnd_clamp_reference ]
[ power_clamp_reference ]
c_comp ::= 'c_comp' typ_min_max
polarity ::= 'polarity' [ 'non-inverting' | 'inverting' ]
enable ::= 'enable' [ 'active-high' | 'active-low' ]
vinl ::= 'vinl' '=' voltage_spec
vinh ::= 'vinh' '=' voltage_spec
vmeas ::= 'vmeas' '=' voltage_spec
cref ::= 'cref' '=' capacitance_spec
rref ::= 'rref' '=' resistance_spec
vref ::= 'vref' '=' voltage_spec
voltage_spec ::= real
capacitance_spec ::= real
resistance_spec ::= real
temperature_range ::= '[' 'temperature range' ']' typ_min_max
voltage_range ::= '[' 'voltage range' ']' typ_min_max
pullup_reference ::= '[' 'pullup reference' ']' typ_min_max
pulldown_reference ::= '[' 'pulldown reference' ']' typ_min_max
power_clamp_reference ::= '[' 'power clamp reference' ']' typ_min_max
gnd_clamp_reference ::= '[' 'gnd clamp reference' ']' typ_min_max
pulldown ::= '[' 'pulldown' ']' videfinitions
pullup ::= '[' 'pullup' ']' videfinitions
gndclamp ::= '[' 'gnd_clamp' ']' videfinitions
powerclamp ::= '[' 'power_clamp' ']' videfinitions
rpower ::= '[' 'rpower' ']' typ_min_max
rgnd ::= '[' 'rgnd' ']' typ_min_max
videfinitions ::= videfinition { videfinition }
videfinition ::= real typ_min_max
//*** Both dvdtr and dvdtf are required
ramp ::= '[' 'ramp' ']' dvdtr dvdtf [ r_load ]
dvdtr ::= 'dv/dt_r' typ_min_max_rate
dvdtf ::= 'dv/dt_r' typ_min_max_rate
r_load ::= 'r_load' '=' real
typ_min_max_rate ::= rate [ rate | 'na' ] [ rate | 'na' ]
rac ::= '[' 'rac' ']' typ_min_max
cac ::= '[' 'cac' ']' typ_min_max
waveformtable ::= { waveform_data }
waveform_data ::= '[' 'rising waveform' | 'falling waveform' ']'
waveform_header waveform_table
waveform_header ::= r_fixture v_fixture [ c_fixture ] [ l_fixture ] [ r_dut ]
[ l_dut ] [ c_dut ]
r_fixture ::= 'r_fixture' '=' real
v_fixture ::= 'v_fixture' '=' real
c_fixture ::= 'c_fixture' '=' real
l_fixture ::= 'l_fixture' '=' real
r_dut ::= 'r_dut' '=' real
l_dut ::= 'l_dut' '=' real
c_dut ::= 'c_dut' '=' real
waveform_table ::= { waveform_point }
waveform_point ::= time_point typ_min_max
time_point ::= real
rate ::= real '/' real
packagedefinitionsection ::= definepackage package_header package_description
definepackage ::= '[' 'define package model' ']' string40
//*** Insert "number_pins" and "pin_numbers" definition corrected"
package_header ::= manufacturer oem description number_pins pin_numbers pin_names
oem ::= '[' 'oem' ']' string40
description ::= '[' 'description' ']' string60
//*** Correction here and define "pin_numbers"
number_pins ::= '[' 'number of pins' ']' pos_integer
pin_numbers ::= '[' 'pin numbers' ']' pin_names
pin_names ::= pin_name { pin_name }
pin_name ::= string5
package_description ::= '[' 'model data' ']' model_body '[' 'end model data' ']'
model_body ::= inductance_matrix capacitance_matrix [ resistance_matrix ]
inductance_matrix ::= '[' 'inductance matrix' ']' matrix
capacitance_matrix ::= '[' 'capacitance matrix' ']' matrix
resistance_matrix ::= '[' 'resistance matrix' ']' matrix
matrix ::= full_matrix | banded_matrix | sparse_matrix
full_matrix ::= 'full matrix' matrix_line { matrix_line }
//*** Refinded matrix_line definitions for banded and sparce matricies and
//*** broke out "row". Corrected bandwidth spelling.
banded_matrix ::= 'banded matrix' bandwidth banded_matrix_line
{ banded_matrix_line }
sparse_matrix ::= 'sparse matrix' sparce_matrix_line
{ sparce_matrix_line }
bandwidth ::= '[' 'bandwidth' ']' pos_integer
matrix_line ::= row real { real }
banded_matrix_line ::= row real
sparce_matrix_line ::= row string5 real { string5 real }
row ::= '[' 'row' ']' string5
endpackage ::= '[' 'end package model' ']'
//*** Made explicit that characters can follow real, certain FIRST characters are
//*** Units
real ::= <real_number> [ anychar { anychar } ]
real9 ::= <real_with_max_9_characters>
//*** Put in extended unit definition using ' '
anychar ::= unit | char
unit ::= 'f' | 'p' | 'n' | 'u' | 'm' | 'k' | 'M" | 'G' | 'T'
string5 ::= <character_string_with_max_5_characters>
string8 ::= <character_string_with_max_8_characters>
string15 ::= <character_string_with_max_15_characters>
string20 ::= <character_string_with_max_20_characters>
string40 ::= <character_string_with_max_40_characters>
string60 ::= <character_string_with_max_60_characters>
string ::= <unlimited_character_string>
char ::= <valid_character>
pos_integer ::= <positive_decimal_integer>
Received on Tue Sep 6 22:29:21 1994
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