The beta release of S2IBISv2.0 will be delayed.
It works but there is a memory leakage problem that we must resolve before
we can release it.
The s2ibis directory structure on has been changed anticipating the
new release. The version of s2ibis has not been changed.
One part of the system is being released. This is a IBIS v2.1
plotting utility. It can be found in
(This will become part of the distribution for s2ibisv2.0)
At the end of this message is the readme file for this utility
S2IBIS team
North Carolina Sate University
Steve Lipa
Alan Glaser
Michael Steer
Paul Franzon
#s2iplt v1.0 Steven Lipa, North Carolina State Univ. 8/24/95
# Usage: s2iplt filename
# s2iplt reads through an IBIS v2.1 or lower model file,
# calling gnuplot to plot out each [Pullup], [Pulldown],
# [Power_Clamp], [GND_Clamp], [Rising_Waveform], and
# [Falling_Waveform] table that it comes across. Each
# table is labeled with the [Model] name and table name.
# Once a table has been plotted, s2iplt waits until a
# carriage return has been entered to go on to the next
# table.
# s2iplt is a perl script. If your perl executable is not
# in /usr/local/bin/perl you will need to modify s2iplt
# slightly to point to the right place. If you don't have
# perl you can get it for free from several archive sites,
# such as
# The gnuplot executable simply has to be somewhere in
# your path. If you don't have gnuplot you can get it for
# free from Dartmouth at
Received on Thu Aug 24 19:11:07 1995
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