Re: EGG9 and C_comp

From: Bob Ross <>
Date: Mon Dec 11 1995 - 17:30:00 PST

Arpad, Stephen and Jon and All:

My IBIS model diagram is in error since C_comp does go to
ground in all cases. However, for the purposes of Time response
simulation, the C_comp and/or Ct could go to any reference voltage.
The main idea is that both the [Gnd Clamp] and [Power Clamp] diodes may
independently contribute to stored charge effects.

The discussion that is taking place is showing the importance of
understanding the details and assumptions of the Spice and IBIS models.
I do not think we are in technical disagreement. I think the value and
position of Rs or its effective value within tables can be important for
properly handing the stored charge effects and time constants. The
real concerns are: is the proposed approach accurate enough?, or what
alternative approach would be better - within the IBIS framework?

Bob Ross,
Interconnectix, Inc.

> Hello Bob, and others:

> In your diagram in EGG9, you show C_comp and being in
> parallel with Ct (the circuit representation of transit time).

> Pad X------------------------| DEVICE
> | | |
> | | |
> --- --- +------
> Ct --- C_comp ---
> | |
> | |
> -------------
> gnd gnd

> For the [TTgnd] case that is how I would draw it, but what about the
> [TTpwr] case? I've always thought of C_comp as between the I/O
> node and ground. Could C_comp be also modeled between the pad and Vcc?
> Does it make a difference (at least as far as our black box
> representation goes)? Just wondering.....

> Thanks,
> Stephen Peters
> Intel Corp.
Received on Mon Dec 11 17:35:18 1995

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