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The "transition data" you are looking for is there in the IBIS models as
the V-t curves. The final point of the V-t curve should match with the
corresponding point on the I-V curve (unsing Ohm's law, of course). You can
then use the V-t curve to scale the I-V curve to obtain "partially-on" I-V
curves. (Of course you can use the V-t data any other way you like).
I don't know of any other methods to obtain what you are asking for. Think
about it this way: Even if a buffer is fairly slow, it will switch within 100
ns most likely. Sweeping an I-V curve takes time, and to get many I-V sweeps
for a buffer during its switching implies that you need to sweep it with sub
nanosecond sweep times. This has two problems, one, the parasitic C and L will
mess up your measurements, and second, you are not going to find any equipment
which can do it that fast. You might be able to measure things like that in
simulations, but even there, the parasitics will take over if the device is
modelled correctly...
Arpad Muranyi
Intel Corporation
Hi IBISians!
According to the information in IBIS documents only one curve for
Low and High states are given. Assuming that the device Low-High or
High-Low transtion takes some time, the transition data would be
neccessary, one way that I can think of is scaling the V/I curves
for this purpose. I am looking for other ways to do this thing,so
can any of you IBISians help me in this matter?
Viva IBIS!!
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Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 13:43:54 -0400 (EDT)
To: ibis@vhdl.org
Subject: V/I transition curves
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