S2IBIS has been updated
The new version is 2.091 (in the directory /pub/ibis/s2ibis/...)
Changes from the previous and initial version are
1. The names of the tar and zip files were shortened.
2. Some users were experiencing problems using s2ibis2 with HSpice--the
program would hang in an infinite loop when reading HSpice output
files. This has been corrected.
3. The sample files distributed with s2ibis2 used spice node 0 for the
ground pin of the device. Some versions of spice would complain when
s2ibis2 connected a voltage source between this node and the absolute
reference node (node 0). The sample files now use spice node 98 for
the ground pin node. In general, it's best not to use node 0 for the
ground pin for this very reason.
Michael Steer
IBIS Librarian
Received on Thu Sep 28 06:13:55 1995
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