Spice to IBIS Conversion with newtryme files

From: Boeckmann, Ed (Edward F) <efboeckm@ingr.com>
Date: Thu Oct 17 1996 - 11:23:00 PDT


Has anyone out there had this problem with the example files for spice
to IBIS conversion:

When running s2ibis2.sparc with the newtryme.sp and newtryme.s2i files I
get two error messages as follows:

"Spice run (TYP) aborted. See file ddt8.msg for information. Curve
pulldown (output disabled) not generated."

(the file ddt8.msg has only the cryptic message: "^G>error ***hspice
aborted*** )

"Error in analysis for pin 8."

There is no message file for the pin 8 error.

Otherwise the run produces a normal looking IBIS file with no indication
of errors. (Deceptively normal looking?).

The command file newtryme.s2i looks a little strange to me in the pin
description area with lines like:

        -> 8 and -> 4

But if I remove what looks like garbage in the file, the run results do
not improve or get worse.

I will appreciate any explanations someone might have.


Ed Boeckmann
Intergraph Corp.
Huntsville, Al 35894
Mail Stop CR1100
tel. (205)-730-6219
email efboeckm@ingr.com
Received on Thu Oct 17 11:35:30 1996

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