IBIS Uploaded Documents

From: Bob Ross <bob_ross@mentorg.com>
Date: Tue Dec 22 1998 - 12:57:16 PST

To All:

In preparation for an IBIS Version 3.2 ratification vote on January 15, 1999,
the following documents have been uploaded:

(1) In http://www.eda.org/pub/ibis/wip/

    00readme - describes documents
    ver3_2f.ibs - latest draft Version 3.2 document showing addtions
    ver3_2.txt - document for voting

(2) In http://www.eda.org/pub/ibis/birds/

    bird56.1 - Approved BIRD56.1 (this will also be sent out)
    bird57.1 - approved BIRD57.1 (this will also be sent out)

(3) In http://www/eda.org/pub/ibis/birds/ver3.2/

    diff_pecl_term.ibs - a sample for BIRD56.1
    bird57ex.ibs - a sample for BIRD57.1

Please review the ver3_2.txt document for voting and for editorial comments.

(4) Also some documents for the December 7, 1998 IBIS Summit Meeting have
    been uploaded at:


Bob Ross
Interconnectix/Mentor Graphics

Received on Tue Dec 22 13:02:38 1998

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