Ooops, I made a typo: the Intel URL is :
A summary of the document is available at:
attached mail follows:
Once upon a time, I proposed that IBIS 3.0 might allow
input slewrates (V/ns or ns/V) be defined for a receiver:
* SR1: "worst-case" slew-rate beyond which the receiver
might oscillate
* SR2: "best-case" slew-rate, the minimum for receiver
timing to be valid.
Having recently read the new GTL+ guidelines from Intel, available
I think it's be worthwhile to fly this kite again...
In paragraph 3.2 (pp 11-14) of the Intel document, the flight time
calculation rules are:
- if the input signal edge is faster than SR2 (0.3 V/ns),
then flight-time is measured at Vref
- if the input signal edge is slower than SR2,
then flight time (for a rising edge) is obtained
by extrapolating back to Vref, with a slope equal to SR2,
from the crossing point with Vih.
- if the signal is non-monotonic, then extrapolate back to Vref
from the last Vih crossing point .... but with a different
value of SR2 (0.8 V/ns).
In my opinion, these are very sensible rules - even if I don't
understand fully where 0.8 V/ns comes from.
Unfortunately, IBIS does not allow SR2 to be specified.
My questions:
a) Do others on this list use these or similar rules?
If so, what values do you use for SR2?
b) Does the current generation of simulators allow for
a SR2 parameter to be used in flight-time calculation?
c) Would it be useful to add an entry under the [Model Spec]
keyword to allow SR2 to be defined for a buffer?
-- John Fitzpatrick <> Alcatel Telecom, 4 rue de Broglie, 22304 Lannion, France Tel: +33(0) Fax: +33(0) on Wed May 20 03:32:35 1998
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