[IBIS] Are multiple Submodel calls allowed in IBIS?

Subject: [IBIS] Are multiple Submodel calls allowed in IBIS?
From: Muranyi, Arpad (arpad.muranyi@intel.com)
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 11:42:59 PDT


This subject was raised in the last Open Forum Teleconference based
on a message I received in a private email. I am also copying the
original sender with a (blind) copy (BCC) of this response to answer
their question.

The question was asked whether multiple submodel calls are allowed
in a given [Model]. I looked at the IBIS specification and found the

| Usage Rules: The [Add Submodel] keyword is invoked within a model to add
| the functionality that is contained in the submodel or list of
| submodels in each line that follows. ...

This mentions a "list if submodels" which clearly can be multiple
calls to various submodels. The example reinforces this notion:

[Add Submodel]
| Submodel_name Mode
Bus_Hold_1 Non-Driving | Adds the electrical characteristics of
                                    | [Submodel] Bus_Hold_1 for receiver or
                                    | high-Z mode only.
Dynamic_clamp_1 All | Adds the Dynmanic_clamp_1 model for
                                    | all modes of operation.

where we have calls to two submodels from one [Add Submodel] keyword.
This should hopefully settle the question. I believe no further action
is necessary.

I am sorry for any inconvenience this discussion may have caused, this
is a prime example for the good old saying: "If all else fails, read
the manual."

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