Lance, I read your presentation you gave at the Asia IBIS Summits and I would like to ask you a couple of questions regarding your "IBIS future enhancement requests" on the "conclusions" slide (pg. 31). You are asking for opening the SPICE link in IBIS to other commercial SPICE simulators, and consequently you are also asking for the parameter passing capabilities for [External Model] (and probably [External Circuit] also) which was not made available in the IBIS specification because Berkeley SPICE does not have that capability. Questions: 1) The first sentence in Section 2 of the IBIS specification which is entitled "Statement of Intent" says the following: | In order to enable an industry standard method to electronically transport | IBIS modeling data between semiconductor vendors, EDA tool vendors, and end | customers, this template is proposed. The intention of this template is to | specify a consistent format that can be parsed by software, allowing EDA | tool vendors to derive models compatible with their own products. In other words, the IBIS specification was intended to provide a common modeling language for the EDA industry. Your request seems to be asking the endorsement of proprietary SPICE languages in IBIS, which goes in the exact opposite direction of the "IBIS philosophy" which was to eliminate the need to make zillions of tool specific models for the same product. How do you see your request to be fulfilled? 2) The very reason the IBIS macro modeling subcommittee spent about two years to put together the IBIS macro modeling library was to solve this problem. We wrote a SPICE compatible library in the *-AMS languages so that tools which cannot interpret the *-AMS languages could by substitution use their own native SPICE equivalents. See pg. 2 in the following presentation: See pg. 7 in the following presentation: Everything that you showed in the above presentation could have been implemented with the IBIS macro modeling library. Why are you not making use of this library, and why are you requesting that features which are already available in IBIS through the macro library be made available with proprietary SPICE languages which is what we wanted to avoid with the entire IBIS macro modeling initiative? Thanks, Arpad ====================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- |For help or to subscribe/unsubscribe, e-mail |with the appropriate command message(s) in the body: | | help | subscribe ibis <optional e-mail address, if different> | subscribe ibis-users <optional e-mail address, if different> | unsubscribe ibis <optional e-mail address, if different> | unsubscribe ibis-users <optional e-mail address, if different> | |or e-mail a request to | |IBIS reflector archives exist under: | | Recent | Recent | E-mail since 1993Received on Thu Nov 9 10:28:37 2006
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