* To Be Uploaded Released Executables for ibischk6 Version 6.0.1 SOURCE CODE LICENSE License_IBISCHK6_11-08-13.pdf (Contact the IBIS Chair for further processsing if you need the source code. It is priced at $2500.00.) USER GUIDE ibischk_6.0.1_UserGuide_wip2.docx ibischk_6.0.1_UserGuide_wip2.docx (IBISCHK has been updated during development of the User Guide) IBISCHK6 Message Listings ibischk6_messages_draft3.xlsx (used for UserGuide wip1) ibischk6_messages_draft8.xlsx (used for UserGuide wip2) (Incomplete work in progress Error, Warning, Notes and Caution message numbers and information) ------- EXECUTABLES Contents include compressed executables for ibischk6 under the following directories: dos32 (from Apt Software) linux_redhat_32 (updated 1/8/2015 by Signal Integrity Software. Compiled on a machine with 2.6.9-100.ELsmp kernel, the one delivered with the RHEL 4.9 distribution - see note* below) linux_redhat_64 (from Signal Integrity Software. Compiled on a machine with kernel, delivered with the Fedora 10 distribution - see notes* and ** below) linux_ubuntu_32 (from Apt Software) .zip archives are also provided for all operating systems * Beginning with RHEL 5 the compiler made automatic stack protection the default. The compiler determines the maximum stack size needed for each function call and inserts code that writes some known garbage data at the end of the stack before the call, then checks it after the call. If it doesn't match, the OS __stack_chk_failed function is called, which exits with an error message. There is a problem running such code on a Linux release that doesn't have that system function. They still exist, RHEL 4.9 was retired only in 2011. IBISCHK started using stack protection in the 5.1.4 version, 5.1.3 and earlier did not have it. This compilation returns to not using stack protection. ** Some differences might exist from the 32-bit compilation. For example, The "... equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables ..." for W1503 calculates 1.42V on 64 bit and 1.43V on 32 bit machine for the same test case. Previous Versions of ibishk6 executables exist under: old_v600 ------ IBISCHK6 OPERATION AND ADVANCES ibischk6 Version 6.0.1 supports IBIS Version 6.0 The following Bugs have been fixed: BUG157 E5118 When Repeater Input Models Have Multiple Executable Lines BUG158 Disable Undocumented -etc Flag for Added Multi-Lingual Checks ----- Independent .ebd, .pkg and .ami file checking is done using the -ebd, -pkg and -ami flags. The -caution flag produces additional Caution messages for all [IBIS Ver] versions. The -numbered flag produces Error, Warning, Notes, and Caution messages with four digit numbers following E, W, N, and C respectively. Last edited: June 30, 2015