================================================================================ IBIS INTERCONNECT TASK GROUP Mailing list: ibis-interconnect@freelists.org ================================================================================ Attendees from May 1, 2024 Meeting (* means attended at least using audio) ANSYS Curtis Clark, Juliano Mologni* Broadcom James Church Intel Corp. Michael Mirmak* Michael Brownell Keysight Technologies Ming Yan Marvell Steve Parker MathWorks Walter Katz* Micron Technology Justin Butterfield Siemens EDA Weston Beal, Arpad Muranyi*, Randy Wolff* ST Microelectronics Aurora Sanna Synopsys Ted Mido, Edna Moreno Teraspeed Labs [Bob Ross] University of Illinois Jose Schutt-Aine Zuken USA Lance Wang Michael Mirmak called the meeting to order. No patents were declared. Michael noted that the minutes from the April 24 meeting were not available. These will be reviewed next time. During the AR review, Michael has a still-open AR regarding checking the IEEE 370 specification for sampling information. He noted he spoke to one IEEE 370 author and that additional feedback on Touchstone 3.0 proposals will be provided soon. Michael has a standing AR to review the IEEE 370 text and max valid frequency concept for original data in Touchstone. This is still open. Arpad Muranyi's AR to update the TSIRD 7.1 text with complete value names in place of abbreviations and send the update to the reflector has been completed. Walter Katz asked whether "Inf" in that context is really infinity or NaN? Arpad answered it is really infinity. Arpad shared TSIRD7.1 Draft 10. He noted that he is still waiting on this team's decision on making Min_valid_frequency, Max_valid_frequency actual keywords for the whole specification at the top level, per Walter's earlier suggestion. Arpad raised a related issue: on the range of pole-residue indices, no meaningful feedback has yet been received. Should we require N matrices minimum or not? N is the number of diagonal elements in this case. As an example, all-zero diagonals in S-parameter data represents an ideal terminator. Randy Wolff asked whether we allow empty TS files. Arpad replied that all-zero data is the equivalent of empty, and could be defined. Anything not present is assumed zero. This feature could be useful for schematic analysis. Randy and Michael stated that they had no objections to this approach. On Min_valid_frequency, Max_valid_frequency, Walter stated that these were proposed to apply for all of Touchstone, and that the minimum value is useful for DC extrapolation. Arpad referred to Weston Beal's comments last time regarding publishing questionable data. Walter replied that the context is that, if you got a TS file from measurement covering up to 100 GHz, but everything above 70 GHz is not accurate, this could be noted in the file itself. Walter suggested this should be an Open Forum discussion. Michael added that this approach could be useful for specification purposes (e.g., of cable/connector assemblies). Randy noted that this approach could be shown to the Open Forum without publication. Walter agreed, suggesting to keep the current text, submit this TSIRD, then submit a separate TSIRD to expand the frequency range treatment. Walter so moved; Arpad seconded. Without objection, the motion passed. The TSIRD updated text will be submitted to the Open Forum by Arpad. [AR] Arpad reviewed his Summit presentation on pole-residue treatments in Touchstone. He provided an overview of the problem, and the format for the new keyword. Sparse matrices were mentioned but not supported in earlier versions; in the equation shown, "exp" needs to be changed to be in-line with recent TSIRD text changes. The team engaged in some discussion of compression ratios and how to present them (factors rather than percentages). Arpad will send the slides to the reflector. [AR] Walter showed the latest requirements list for port-mapping. These include, for measurement, an indication of which ports and data have been measured so far. Arpad asked whether this is expanding beyond the original goal of port-mapping. A presentation was suggested to the upcoming Summit, positioning it as a way to get feedback from the industry as to what is most important. Michael took the AR to create such a presentation. [AR] Arpad moved to adjourn; Randy seconded. The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will take place on May 8, 2024. ================================================================================ Bin List: 1) [Complete draft Touchstone document separating version 1.0 and 2.0 into their own chapters] - REMOVED 2) Create structures to encapsulate Touchstone 1.0 data in Touchstone 2+ specifications - TABLED 3) Complete draft Touchstone 2.0 document containing TSIRD3 and TSIRD4 draft (Muranyi) – COMPLETED 4) Complete pole-residue format BIRD draft (Muranyi) - COMPLETED 5) Complete port naming proposal (Katz) - COMPLETED 6) Create alternatives to the Touchstone 1.0 option line before the "R" character - TABLED 7) Complete ISS-IRD 1 Draft - Enable Cascading of S-parameters Through W-element (Mirmak) - TABLED 8) Complete/revise Touchstone 3.0 draft outline (Mirmak) – dependent on several items above Tabled ARs: - Arpad to give an example of the physical connectivity needed for EMD automation.