LIST OF ROADS (APPROVED AND DISAPPROVED) FOR RAIL VERSIONS YES NO VERSION 1.0 1/25/96 X ROAD1 [Budget] Table Priority Note X ROAD2.2 Instance Designator after ! for [Topology] X ROAD3.1 Order of RAIL keywords X ROAD4 Wide Signal Bundles Syntax Simplification VERSION 1.1 7/11/96 X ROAD5 Clarification of Overshoot Specification X ROAD6 Change of Allowable Comment Characters X ROAD7 Alphanumeric Characters in the [File Rev] Keyword X ROAD8 Multiple Occurance of [Disclaimer] Keyword X ROAD9 Position of Preamble Keywords X ROAD10.1 Clarification of Net Assignments to [Group Nets] X ROAD11.1 Priority of Related Value Assignments X ROAD12.1 Clarity of Connectivity Types X ROAD13.1 DC Net GND is Reserved VERSION 1.2 12/18/97