Subject: RE: [SI-LIST] PV/PT Tables IBIS
From: Muranyi, Arpad (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 08:16:08 PST


The resistor value should be a value close to the transmission line
impedance the buffer is designed to drive. This is how the model
is most accurate. Most algorithms use these waveforms as if they
were a percentage vs. time table, scaling the IV curves with respect
to time. So the actual voltage values are not as important as some
may think.

Arpad Muranyi
Intel Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Pritchard, Jason []
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 7:59 AM
To:; ''
Subject: [SI-LIST] PV/PT Tables IBIS

Hello all,

When creating an IBIS model, how does the test resistor chosen to create the
PV/PT tables affect the rising and falling waveforms in simulation? If i use
a 500 ohm resistor vs. a 50 ohm resistor, the pv/pt tables generated will be
much different. What is the simulator doing with this data, and what are the
correct values to use when creating an IBIS or XTK model?

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