Subject: [IBIS-Users] IBIS model Error
Date: Sun Jul 27 2003 - 20:32:32 PDT
Hi All,
I need IBIS expert's advice on the following.
I get the following warning when checking the IBIS model.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Rising Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture]=0V
has TYP column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.38v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.14V and 1.06V),
a difference of 99.99% and 64.28%, respectively.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Falling Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture]=0V
has TYP column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.38v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.14V and 1.06V),
a difference of 99.99% and 64.28%, respectively.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Rising Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture_min]=0V
has MIN column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.37v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.09V and 0.93V),
a difference of 99.99% and 60.23%, respectively.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Falling Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture_min]=0V
has MIN column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.37v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.09V and 0.93V),
a difference of 99.99% and 60.23%, respectively.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Rising Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=0V
has MAX column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.39v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.77V and 1.83V),
a difference of 100.00% and 78.72%, respectively.
Warning - Model bp_usb_hs: The [Falling Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=45 Ohms and [V_fixture_max]=0V
has MAX column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 0.38v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.77V and 1.83V),
a difference of 100.00% and 79.26%, respectively.
Please tell me the impact of this warning in simulation. I use XTK for the
simulation. Eventhough the rise and fall VT curve values range from 0V to
0.38V in the IBIS model, I get 1.04V to 1.14V wave form. How is this
related with this. I am using Cypress "CY7C65640" hub controller's IBIS
Awaiting your earliest reply.
Note: One IBIS parser gives the above warnings and another parser gives
them as Errors.
I do not know whether files can be attached with this mail. If it
is OK, I can send the IBIS model.
thanks & regards
K.Muthu Lakshmi (KML)
SCM Microsystems (India) Pvt. Ltd.
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