Re: Technology Models vs. full IBIS models

From: Bob Ross <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 11:53:35 PDT


In my opinion your best approach is to develop/obtain the actual
IBIS models. Real buffers may differ significantly from generic
technology model buffers. In some cases the differences occur
in parts or buffers from the same family of a manufacturer.

Regarding benchmarking major tools, this is a topic for the
Signal Integrity Reflector. The IBIS reflector is not used
for Vendor Tool comparisons or business issues by EIA rules
and by the fact that the EIA IBIS Open Forum is funded by
many vendors.

Best Regards,
Bob Ross
Mentor Graphics

> eh wrote:
> Dear friends,
> We are evaluating a tool regarding signal integrity.
> Our design is composed of modern devices ( DSP,DRAM,SRAM,FLASH,FCT etc).
> Since we don't have the IBIS model for most of the parts, the supplier
> suggested that I use technology models. I have a DSP, so I assigned it as
> FCT, for it was the closest choise.
> The PCB crosstalk simulation showed problems we NEVER faced with five
> practical PCBs.
> I assume that I have to get/order/develop IBIS models for all the parts, and
> not
> use "technology models".
> Is that true ?
> Has anyone went through these ?
> Has anyone a benchmark, comparing the major tools , offered this field of
> signal integrity (crosstalk...).
> Regards,
> Simi Eshkol
> Sn Elec Eng.
> VideoCom , Israel
Received on Tue Oct 26 11:54:29 1999

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