Checking V/I tables

From: Arpad Muranyi <>
Date: Fri Mar 18 1994 - 14:59:04 PST

---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
From: bward@sugar.NeoSoft.COM at Internet_Gateway
Date: 3/17/94 7:56PM
To: Don A Telian at FMCCM4
To: Arpad Muranyi at FMCCM4
*To: Tim A Schreyer at JFCCM7
*To: at Internet_Gateway
Subject: Checking V/I tables
How about bipolar? The current of a pulldown transistor crosses zero about 0.15
volts on a bipolar output, meaning negative currents between 0 to +0.15 volts!
Is that case a sign eror?


I agree with Maah's observations. I would point up that his point 4,
-about checking the end points
is especially valid. This is why I was suggesting that a point be checked
-in the
near vicinity of gnd rail voltage and in the near vicinity of power rail

But then I realized, he said, looking around quickly, this won't work
-for ECL.
I would propose examining the slope of the line through a point near the
of the swing in that case to determine the direction of current. But
-as Bob Ross
points out, the sign may not make much sense for ECL anyway. Ah, well,
-long live
CMOS. But what DO we do with ECL?

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Received on Fri Mar 18 14:52:47 1994

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