Re: Interpretation of Minimum/Maximum data in IBIS

From: Andy Ingraham <>
Date: Wed May 07 1997 - 13:02:46 PDT


As long as you brought up the [Temperature] keyword, I might as well
address that particular issue. That was one of the (many) things
about the spec that bothers the heck out of me.

There is no [Temperature] keyword!

Yes I know [Temperature] is mentioned in that paragraph in the back
of the spec that you quoted; but if [Temperature] ever was a keyword,
it is not defined anywhere in the spec.

Are you trying to tell me that

  [Temperature Range]

are supposed to be equivalent?

If so, then


this is no way to write a specification. They sure are not equivalent
to me.

Plus you can't define a keyword, saying simply that it has min and max
values, thereby implying that they are the min and max temperatures,
and giving no hint that they mean anything else ... and then 1050
lines later, at the bottom of the spec, explain that they really mean
something entirely different.

When I pick up a specification to check on some particular item, I
don't want to have to read it front to back, and then go back and
cross-reference everything that was "defined" over here but then
"defined" some more over there, and so on and so forth. PUT IT ALL

In my opinion, the IBIS Spec needs a major re-write from start to
finish before it can be used. I cannot understand why it has taken
IBIS four years to get to this point yet it still doesn't have a spec
that hangs together.

{flame off}

Andy Ingraham
Received on Wed May 7 13:11:25 1997

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