IBIS simulators

From: J. C. (Jay) Diepenbrock ((919)-543-8804) <jayd@VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Wed Jul 16 1997 - 10:43:23 PDT

Greetings all,

After being away from the IBIS world for a while, I'm trying to get plugged
back into the current state of things. Can someone fill me in on what my
options are for what I would call standalone simulation? (By that I mean
simulation of board nets using IBIS models with the input from a schematic,
rather than a board layout database.) Meta-Software (now Avant!) had
originally planned to support IBIS, then backed away, but I don't know what
has happened since for those of us that want to do topology studies before
boards are designed.

Thanks for your nominations for "simulator of the week" awards.

Jay Diepenbrock
Received on Wed Jul 16 10:51:19 1997

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