Re: Ver. 3.2 and Ver. 2.1 Models

From: Al Davis <>
Date: Thu Jul 20 2000 - 21:04:41 PDT

Bob Ross wrote:
> > I would use and supply Version 3.2 models only when Version 3.2 features
> > are needed to accurately describe the part. Otherwise, I would still
> > supply Version 2.1 models.

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Matthew Flora wrote:
> I concur with Bob Ross, except I would suggest still setting the IBIS_ver
> keyword to 3.2. If nothing else, that will cause IBISCHK3 to use it's most
> strict syntax/semantic tests.

I suggest setting the IBIS_ver keyword to 2.1 if it is
really a 2.1 model. If nothing else, it lets the reader
know that it will work on older simulators that only
support 2.1.

In any case, don't forget to test it.
e actually uses the "treat the drain as the
source" equivalent.

question lies the answer to whether
the non-monotonicity matters separately. If you accept
that only the sum matters, you are accepting that they
cannot be considered separately, or the latter in the above
paragraph. Then, why does the documentation show them as
separate elements? Why are the names what they are?
(which hints toward the two element meaning)

Making this assumption means you lose the distinction
between the where the other ends connect. Now, what does
it mean when the "power clamp reference" and "pullup
reference" are different? (another hint toward the two
element meaning)

> OTOH, I doubt it hurts to smooth out (not LEAVE out!) those points, as long
> as they really are "noise" and insignificant compared to the stronger clamp
> current.

Supplying too many points actually reduces accuracy. For
the V/I curves, the derivative is actually more important
than the data provided.

Consider the following table:
1 2.995
2 2.995
3 2.995
4 2.996
5 2.996
6 2.996
7 2.997
8 2.997

you get the idea. This is common toward the ends of a
table. What it says is that it acts like a constant
current source from 1-3 volts, from 4-6 volts, etc. and
has jumps between 3 and 4, and between 6 and 7.

Most likely, the real device is nearly flat, but the whole
region has a finite slope. It would be better to just give
2 points.
Received on Fri Jul 21 00:16:36 2000

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