Re: Question

From: Dan Aleksandrowicz <>
Date: Wed Nov 29 2000 - 02:00:55 PST

Hi Cyrille.

Basically the IBIS IO pad model should an electrical "black box".
Thus in your case I would recommend creating a new spice
model, i.e. also a new IBIS model.

Dan. wrote:

> Hello,
> As I am developing an IBIS model for a chip I have a question to submit :
> If one of the pin is connected to two buffers in parallel (the same buffer model for each):
> Is it a solution in the IBIS norm to indicate the pin is conected to two buffers in parallel or should I develop a specific pad model for this structure?
> Thanks for an answer
> Cyrille CATHELIN
> IC Design Engineer Philips Semiconductors
> Business Line Digital Media - DVI 2, rue de la girafe - BP 5120
> Phone : +33 (0)2 31 45 31 73 14079 Caen Cedex5 - France
> e-mail :

                (o o)
Dan Aleksandrowicz
Galileo Technology
Mercaz Ofek 1   (Building B')
Northern Industrial Zone, LOD 71293,  ISRAEL
Tel: +972 8 9247555    (-
     Ext. 324         |__|
Fax: +972 8 9247554   |__|
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    \      "Smoke on the water. Fire in the sky."     /
Received on Wed Nov 29 02:04:47 2000

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