LVDS models and s2ibis2

From: Greg Haynes <>
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 15:22:35 PDT

I'm trying to create IBIS models for some
parts that we make using s2ibis2, and for
single-output buffers it works pretty well.
LVDS buffers are another story. In some
cases I've had a little success, but I
don't know if s2ibis2 is even supposed to
be capable of creating the required SPICE
decks for simulating LVDS buffers.

From a previous post I was referred to
a presentation on LVDS modeling by
Hegazy and Korany, but it's just foils
with no detailed explanations.

Among my questions:

1. If differential inputs or outputs
switch between 1.1 and 1.3 volts, what
range of voltages do you use for the I/V
2. What load do you use on differential
outputs to generate the V/T curves? (What
are Rfix, Rref, Vref, ... and how are these
plus the terminating resistor connected?)
By the way, this has to be done in a way
that HPSICE converges.

Greg Haynes
Aeroflex UTMC Microelectronic Systems
4350 Centennial Blvd           phone: 719 594-8197
Colorado Springs, CO 80907       fax: 719 594-5541
Received on Fri May 25 15:23:33 2001

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