S2IBIS'95 .... start

From: <mbs@eos.ncsu.edu>
Date: Tue Sep 12 1995 - 19:27:03 PDT

Actually version 2.

S2IBIS2 has been released as beta code.
S2IBIS2 supports the automatic generation of IBIS model
given a SPICE model. All features of IBIS veriosn 2.1 are supported except
for the package parameters which must be acquired by some other means.

The code, documentation and compiled binaries for RS6000, DEC 3000/5000, HPUX,
and SUN are available in pub/ibis/s2ibis/s2ibis_v2.0/s2ibis2.tar.Z

The code and documentation only
are available in pub/ibis/s2ibis/s2ibis_v2.0/s2ibis2.zip

We do need a Microsoft windows version (3.x please) ... any volunteers?
(It compiles using gnu tools so if these are used there should be no
problems.) Send contribution to me <mbs@ncsu.edu> and I will put
them on vhdl.org

The code has no known bugs. We will
collect bug reports addressed to awglaser@eos.ncsu.edu.
We hope to be able to correct bugs pending future support.

Thanks go to CADENCE for their generous support of the S2IBIS2 development.

Thanks to Bob Ross for his help in establishing voltage sweep ranges
and ironing out the ECL supply ambiguity in the IBIS2.1 spec.

Michael Steer

on behalf of the S2IBIS development team

Alan Glaser (a supper effort, he has a month of sleep to catch up on)
Steve Lipa
Michael Steer
Paul Franzon

North Carolina State University
Received on Tue Sep 12 19:34:02 1995

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