Re: How to deal with analog devices?

From: Dan Aleksandrowicz <>
Date: Fri Oct 17 1997 - 06:37:06 PDT

Hi Chen.

Your question is valid and important, however the answer depends on
your goal. If you are interested in analyzing all signals, including
analog signals and power plane/traces, you will need more than IBIS models.

IBIS modeling is mainly for analyzing digital signals between digital
components. Though most EDA tools support some level of discretes
and diodes, there might not be support for transistors in your
PCB signal integrity tool.

The solution for analog signal simulation lays in spice simulation.
As for mixing digital IC's IBIS models and "analog" components (i.e.
diodes, transistors and active bus tremination) the are spice tools
that can do it. But, getting the model for the above components to fit
an analog tool might be tricky.

I personally, in each SI project, take a hard look into the needs of
the system and define the signal list to be simulated. And then I can
define which component models are needed. Usually, I do not really need
analog models for signal integrity purposes.

Good luck.

                                Dan Aleksandrowicz
                                Engineering Solutions Specialist
                                39 Simon Street
                                Nashua, NH 03060
Received on Fri Oct 17 06:38:32 1997

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