I have a question to the s2ibs tool fron NCSA:
I made a tristate-model and found that the [Pullup]-curve has still a
diode-current from vcc to 2*vcc. It is the same amount of current, that
is present in the [GND_clamp].
I thought due to the ibis-spec all the Diode-current has to be
from the high-curves, not only the [POWER_clamp].
I hope, you can help me with this,
Katja Koller
-- Katja Koller ICN M TC 16 Siemens AG Hofmannstr. 51 81359 Muenchen Katja.Koller@icn.siemens.de Tel: 0049 89 722 45719 Fax: 0049 89 722 44692Received on Fri May 19 02:13:18 2000
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